Chapter 1: Fairy Tail

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          Fairy Tail

(Misuto’s P.O.V)

                Right now I am looking for a guild called Fairy Tail. I asked the villagers and travelers if they knew where Fairy Tail was and for a picture of the Dragon Slayer, Natsu Dragneel, I got a picture from a girl with blonde hair. Now I’m hiding in the shadows on a dirt road heading for Fairy Tail. As I was walking I heard a few people walking behind me I looked back and saw a flying blue cat, the girl that gave me the picture of Natsu, and a boy that looked a lot like Natsu. I pulled on my hood and pulled out the picture of Natsu and compared the boy to the picture. “He looks a lot like Natsu.”  I thought. I spelt out the word Natsu? in fire and put it in front of them. “Who’s there?!” the boy yelled. (From now on this means Misuto’s talking with fire.) Is your name Natsu? I said. “…Yes...” he said hesitantly, “Who’s there and why do you want to know?!”  He yelled. Are you heading to the guild Fairy Tale?  “Yes why do you want to know?” the girl said. It’s nice to see you again, girl. I said. “Are you that girl that wanted to know how to get to Fairytail?”  The girl said. Yes I’m surprised you remember. I said as I walked out of the shadows with my hood still on. “It’s about time you showed yourself.” Natsu said as he started to get into fighting position. I just stayed still as he came at me. When he was about to punch me I disappeared and stood in a tree. I guess this a test of some sort ‘cuz I'm on your side. I said as he started looking around frantically. I jumped down from the tree and he stopped looking for me when he saw me. He came at me again but I froze him with a non-melt able ice, at his feet and hands only. He tried to melt the ice with his fire but couldn’t 'cuz like I said before it’s non- melt able ice. “HEY LET ME GO!!!” he yelled. Why should I? I asked. “‘CUZ IF YOU DON’T I WILL KICK YOUR A**!!!” he yelled. You’re not as intimidating as you think. I said. “Ma'am, can you let him go?” the girl said. I still don’t know your guys’ name, besides Natsu’s name. I said. “How do you know my name?! “  Natsu yelled. Your father’s name is Igneel. I said starting to tease him. “How do you know that name?!?” Natsu yelled. I of course didn't answer him wanting him to become mad. Which wasn't very long. “HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW THIS NAME?!?!” he yelled getting pissed off. I know this name because Igneel is my...

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