Chapter 7

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I'm walking down the street when my phone buzzes. It's late at night, and for some reason I'm in a dark alley way. It has to be late, at least 11:00.

What am I doing out here?

I glance down at my self, and I'm wearing black skinny jeans with huge tears, beaten up combat boots, a plain black v neck top, with an oversized leather jacket. I don't recognize it, and I don't know why it's so big. I wrap it tighter around me, as I suddenly feel a chill.

I suddenly remember my phone buzzing a couple minutes ago. It's Noah. I'm not sure why, but I ignore it. I see a dark figure appear in from of me, and it looks like Harry. I look closer, and it is Harry. For some reason, I run to him and jump in his arms.

I smile as I feel his arms around me, and it suddenly hits me, why my jacket is so big.

It's Harry's jacket.

Why do I have his jacket? And why did I willingly run to him and jump into his arms? And, why did he put his arms around me?

Suddenly, j feel a hard, cold, brick wall behind me, up against my back. And, what's weirder?

I feel Harry's lips on mine.

What's weirder?

I'm kissing him back, and I'm not pushing him away.

What about Noah?

But, what's worse, is that this feels so right.

I jump as I wake up, the hard brick wall, dark street, and Harry disappearing as I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring in my ear.

As I open my eyes, I blink a few times, trying to clear away the sleep from them. I cringe as I remember my dream. Why did I have that dream? Why didn't I answer Noah? Why did I allow Harry to kiss me? Normally, I would tell Emma about it, but I'm not sure I will this time, just because she would say that she was right.

And she's not.

Trying to get the dream out of my head, I get out of bed, and walk over to my shower. After pulling off my pjs, I step into the hot shower. I just stand there for a few minutes, feeling the hot water washing over my pale skin and wetting my black hair. Finally, I go ahead and wash my hair real quick, and get finished. I step out, shivering for a moment when the cool air hits me. After I finish drying off, I plug in my blow dryer.

I just wave the dryer around my head until my hair feels mostly dry. I really hate blow drying it, but I can't go to school with soaked hair. After about forever, I walk over to my closet, and stare at it. I decide on a pair of bootcut slightly faded jeans, a black top with a red guitar on the front, a pair of black heeled boots, and my leather jacket. I put in a pair of silver earrings, and black creme eyeliner, mascara, and skin time sparkly eye shadow. I also put my hair in its trademark loose braid.

Yawning, I finish getting ready. I grab my school bag, keys, money, and my phone. I run down the stairs, and end up skipping food. I go out the door, locking it behind me. I go to my truck, and unlock it. After its unlocked, I climb in, tossing my bag on the seat next to me. I put the key in the ignition, and start my engine.

As I calmly back out of the driveway, my phone buzzes, but I ignore it. I'll look when I get to school. It rings again. I glance at it, and see it says Unknown Number.

I let it go to voice mail.

5 minutes later, it rings again. Unknown Number. I'll look more when I get to school.

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