Chapter 12

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After a few minutes of thinking, I head on down stairs. Maybe being a little early for dinner again will help moms mood. It's a long shot, but you never know. I walk down the stairs, and go around the corner.

It's 7:55.

It's strangely quiet. I don't see mom, dad, or smell food cooking.

Some things wrong with this picture. There's no note on the table, no missed calls, no texts, no nothing.

Suddenly, I hear something.

"Oh Molly.....urghhhhhh that feels good."

It's coming from my parents spare room.

I nervously walk over to the door, and press my ear against it.

"Harder. Harder....ugh that feels good." I hear my mother voice moaning.

Oh my God. She's cheating on my dad. I thought she loved him, I really did.

"Faster Nick, faster. Urgh that feels good......HARDER!!!!" She suddenly screamed.

Oh my God. My mom is cheating on Dad. It's just echoing in my head, her screams, his moans, her moans, it just seems so wrong.

No shit Sherlock.

It seems wrong because it is wrong. It's wrong that she is cheating, because she is supposed to love dad. I understand that people fall out of love and such, but that's what divorce is for. I turn on my heel, and run to my room, closing the door. I grab my phone and call Emma.

"Hey Emma." I whisper.

"Oh my God, what happened?" She asked.

"I...I just caught my mom cheating on Dad." I whisper into the phone, tears starting to fall down my face.

"Oh wow, this is awful. Did you walk in on them?"

"No, I heard it all though."

"That's so wrong."

"Yeah, it is." I quietly say, just terrified of what's going to happen to my life.

I was that girl with the perfect boyfriend, perfect family, perfect grades, perfect family, perfect everything. My world then came crashing down around me, and when I finally rebuild it, and make my life stable, it falls apart again.

Pompeii by Bastille comes to mind.

And the walls kept tumbling down, around the city that we loved. But if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like nothing's changed at all? But if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like yours been here before?

Replace and change a few words, and it applies to my life.

"Do you wanna come over?"

"Yes please. I'll be there in 15."

"No prob." She said, before hanging up.

I grab a black duffel bag, and toss in a couple pairs of jeans, a couple tops, school stuff, my phone charger, some makeup, a pair of converse, running clothes, pjs, and some other stuff. I jam my phone and keys in my leather jacket pocket, and lace up my black leather combat boots. Grabbing my stuff, as I pass my money jar, I grab the whole thing and put it in my bag, and keep walking. I stop at the kitchen table, and scribble a note.

At Emma's. Will be spending a couple days there. have school supplies, have phone.


I put it on the table, and walk out to my truck. I unlock it, and toss my bag in, and climb in After it. I turn on my truck engine, and drive off to Emma's house.

A/N Hey there! I'm sorry for the wait and how short this is, but I've had no time to write and not a while lot of inspiration. Thank you for reading!!! ILY

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