The first encounters

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You were on your way to the capital, the big city of dreams, where you can become anything.

You were walking down the streets to the job interview you have found, it's one of your favorite jobs, and even if you don't get this one you can still try the others...

From your way out of the job interview you feel good, you did a good job and feel like you can get the job, walking down the street in your own thoughts, happy about the interview, clumsy you manage to trip on your own legs and fall straight on the pavement. All the stuff in your hands spreads across the street and you hurriedly get up to gather your things but a burning sensation from your knee keeps you from doing any rash movements.

As you slowly sit up and try to reach for your stuff, a well build man comes up to you and hands you some of your stuff that's further away. He looks down at you and notices your knee, you look at it too and see that you have a little scar that's bleeding. "do you want me to fix that?" He asks gently. You look up at him say "yes thank you" and shyly looks down again. He sits down beside your knee and finds some aloe vera and some pads and put it on your scar to cleanse it. You clench your teeth and close your eyes.

You turn to look at him after the stinging slowly dulls down. He puts a pad on your burn and says "this'll help it heal faster" and smiles. You return the smile and thanks him for helping you, he says it's fine and helps you up to your feet. "Are you ok standing up?" He gives you his hand you take it, you stand up and you realize you're standing very close to him and you take a step back. He smiles at your shyness and says goodbye then slowly walks away. You look at him and his muscular body for a while but then start walking too. You don't notice any pain in your knee so you assume he's a doctor of some kind and are grateful for his assistance.

prior to coming to the city you found an apartment in the outskirts of the city center, so you head there for the rest of the day.

there's not a lot of people in this area but it's a nice place with lots of parks and trees. you arrive at the house where your apartment is. You look up at the building with maybe 10 Floors, it's nothing like you're used to since all the buildings from your home is just the standard 2 floor houses with gardens outside. You were told that on the roof of the building there were some space to walk on and enjoy the view of the city. You hope you can see the sunrise or sundown sometime tonight, but you better hurry then since the sun is already quite low.

You reach the door on the 4th floor with your number on it. You unlock the door and walk in. You put down the stuff you're carrying and look around your apartment. It's a pretty good sized apartment with all the interior already in place (luckily), a sofa with a small table with a new TV in front of it, a bigger table with 4 chairs, a small kitchen, a door that leads to the bathroom and a door that leads to your bedroom. You put down some of your stuff and head up the stairs to see the sundown.

your breath gets heavier as you walk up the stairs. You reach the top and find a heavy metal door and you carefully open it. A struck of fresh cold wind hits your face and you close your eyes, when you open them again you can see the open space with a small bench by the railing. You walk out and see the sun's about to fall, you sit down by the bench and look at the view of the city further away.

After looking at the sundown for a while it gets darker and you stand up to head inside to your apartment again. You turn and almost have a mini heart attack when you see a small man standing beside the door looking in the direction of the sun, you didn't hear him come through the creaky door neither did you see him when you came up here earlier.

He notices you're looking at him and turns his gaze towards you, your eyes meet him and you look at each other for a while. he has a stern look in his eye and when he doesn't turn away you turn your gaze down and start walking towards the door. You look up at him again and He keeps looking at you but now he just looks at you with softer eyes and you start blushing a little and give him a last glance before walking through the door. He catches your eyes and gives you a wink, you feel your cheeks getting red and hurriedly go on your way down the stairs.

Everything is covered in boxes so you move some of them away from the sofa and you fall just to relax for a couple of minutes, tired from the trip. You decide to cook some ramen that you bought with you on your way home. After you've eaten you head straight to bed without even thinking about unpacking anything out of the boxes.

You wake up the next morning and put on some sloppy clothes and head into the living room.

You notice you don't have any food so you decide to head out to buy some groceries and explore the city a little.

Did you figure out who the two people you met the first day were?  I don't know if you guys got it, but let's hope I described them enough for you to understand😊

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