The First Encounters part2

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You were On your way to the underground and when you arrived, there weren't a lot of people there, and because of that,  the guy with the platinum colored hair stood very much out in the hall.

He was looking at the map of the underground, and since you were headed in to it too you kinda hesitated to go up because of his intimidating presence, but you had to check.

You walked up beside him and you were so distracted by his looks that you didn't catch yourself staring at him until he looked at you and smiled, you hastily smiled back and turned to look at the map. while you were figuring out where to go the man with the platinum hair walked away and patted your shoulder lightly and for some reason you felt instantly more relaxed and were able to find which train to take.

When you got down to the platform you noticed he was waiting for the same train as you.
You tried to avoid looking at him but his appearance made your eyes like magnets drawn to him. He was holding his phone and had his earplugs plugged in and it looked like he was talking to someone, he was smiling bright and laughing and you began thinking of him as a misunderstood person, with his intimidating looks when he could smile so bright.

You went to a mall you knew of nearby a station in the city center and started window shopping until you found a bookstore that cought your interest. You walk inside and start looking at the books, it's quite a big store with chairs around if you want to sit down.

In the corner of the bookstore You see a mysterious man in the corner of the room, you can see he's staring at you and you turn away, trying to avoid his gaze. You would lie if you said he wasn't handsome, he looked down and smiled to himself and then looked back at you and smiled, and getting this handsome guy's attention was not something you were used to so you quickly turned around when you felt your face getting warm. When your face had turned normal you turned and found him on his way out the store. Later that same day you tried not to think about it but his face kept popping up in your head.

The last thing you did before you took the train home, was to get groceries so you could actually survive. When you came out of the store it was already dark and you decided to hurry home since you didn't want to walk alone in a big city this late. You pick up your pace as you half sprint to the train station.

Sprinting down the empty street with all your groceries in your hands, Suddenly while you're half running down the street someone pricks your shoulder and you turn around to find a model or something (you assume because he is so good looking).

You stare at him for a few seconds before you see that he is handing you some of your plastic wrapped groceries and you take them carefully out of his hands, he looks at you with a careful expression. Then he turns and begins walking away, you quickly say thank you and he turns his head a little and smiles at you. You blush and turn around, you begin walking again and when you look back he was nowhere to be found. You questioned it for a little but then you remembered you had to go to the train station.

Taking the train back home you arrived quite late and realized you would come home to a lot of unpacked boxes and you would need some stuff if you were to make some food.
Just The thought made you tired and not wanting to go home any faster. If only you had asked your friends or someone for help *sigh*

Arriving at the apartment filled with unboxed boxes, you put down your stuff you bought today and put them in fridge and shelves, then you start looking for boxes with the name "kitchen stuff" on them. It took a while but you eventually had all the things to make food.

You go to bed and you keep thinking of all the strange encounters you've had lately, wondering who they might be. You fall asleep to the thought of that and dream about meeting them again.

Writers note:
Hmm, if you were sprinting down the street how would the model looking guy catch up with you???

A little question to think about until next chapter XD

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