Pester Text

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Turtle-Side-Note: FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER, I HAVE FINALLY UPDATEDDD! ... Also... who gets the title reference? ;D

No one?

Welp, at least I tried...


...Please. :3

The day turned into the afternoon.

The three monsters were all in the living area by now, but none of them were saying a word to each other as they waited for Frisk to come back from playing with M.K. The house was relatively quiet with the exception of the sounds coming from the game Papyrus was playing and the creaks every once and awhile from the house settling.

Toriel was seated at the computer desk, typing away at an email about some meeting she, Frisk, and Asgore had coming up. Papyrus was sitting criss-crossed on the sofa, the character he was controlling on the television screen was jumping through portals and what not as he solved the puzzles in each area. Sans was curled up next to Papyrus, leaning against him as he blankly stared at the game Papyrus was playing, despite having absolutely no idea what was going on or the objective of the game.

Sans' phone buzzed in his pocket, making him take it out and look at it curiously. It was Undyne texting him in a group chat.

Hey, nerdsssss, are youuu there, I'm bored?

His phone buzzed again before he could even respond, Alphys answering back.

Undyne, I'm literally sitting on the same couch as you.

Undyne responded.


Alphys just sent back three periods, allowing Sans to get a word in.

'sup "bored" and "literally"

Alphys, once again, just sent three periods, Undyne however responded with a...

SHUT UP, SANS! Don't make me come over there and beat you!

Alphys then sent, with a laughing emoji following her text.

You just wrote that straight-faced.

Sans quickly chimed in.

wait, but i thought she was gay?

Alphys then sent.

Omg, you're right 0o0 HoW coUlD i Be sO blInD?

Undyne responded.

Alphys, don't feed into it, you're gonna make it worssse.

Alphys' text popped up at light-speed.

You're the one who was bored XD

Undyne sent.

...Oh yeah- ^.^"

Suddenly, someone new popped in. It was Grillby.

Undyne, for the last time, please don't throw me in group chats while you know I'm working.

Sans rolled his eyes, knowing from this happening about fifty times before that this wouldn't be 'the last time' Grillby would have to send that same exact text.

Undyne quickly sent back.

OOPS! My bad! I'm just used to clicking your name. ><" I'll remove you in a sec.

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