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Warning Rant Ahead ⚠⚠

⛔This is farley long⛔

🚩You have been warned🚩

Right so theres this one girl i know and she drives me insane. Like i love her n all but im sick and tired of hearing her relationship status with my ex. Yeah i still liked him alot after we broke up but now almost 4 weeks later im over it.

I figured out that i don't need him nor want him anymore.

Your probley thinking 'you two have been broken up for four weeks and your friend is dating him'. Well yeah. Here let me tell you a story.

Ok so this started 3 and a half weeks ago on Monday the 11/9/17. My ex decided to break up with me right as the roll call bell went for school. I was deviated. Yeah so what. He was three years younger then me but i liked him alot. Anyway Thursday that week it was the 14/9/17 during our second lunch break the group of people i usually hang out with full on ditched me without letting me know. Now this isnt the first time it happened and i was fucking pissed. Person 1 who is my Best friend which i like to think of as my twin hung out with me. We decided to walk around. Eventually it led us up to one of the bridged walkways in our school. We could see the entire quad area of the school. And right in the corner hiding away was that group having a good old cheery time.

I was full on pissed saying to person 1 that if i found out person 2 was dating my ex i was going to go ballistic. Person 2 told me she doesnt like my ex to my face earlier that morning. The night before was Wednesday and i asked person 2 if she liked my ex and she told me she didnt.

On friday, 15/9/17, i find out that person 2 has been dating my ex since thursday. Now i found that out right after second break finshed. Now you know what pissed me off even more is that i found that out off of my bullies!

I guess that in some cases you have to trust your enemies more then your allies.

Now today friday, 6/10/17, i found out some more stuff. Im not 100% if its true but im going to see if i can get a girl who i grew up with, who is like my little sis, to send me screen shots of her convo. Now i found out that my ex and person 2 have been dating longer then i was told. Apparently they've been dating since before my ex broke up with me. In other words he cheated on me. I also found out that my ex was planning since the Saturday, 9/9/17, to break up with me. Perhaps before that aswell.

Now a week before the breakup i found out that he liked this other girl. Apparently it was a small amount. I trusted him so i let him off saying that 'i dont want to be played around with and if he doesnt like me that way anymore then to break it off now'. He said he still loves me but i soon learnt not to fully trust thoes you love.

I've had trust issues for years. My ex new everything about me because i trusted him. Not even my bff, person 1 or my little sister, person 3 knew or know everything about me. But of course yet again everything is crushed and im stuck at stage 1 again.

I've been sexually touched by and old friend/old crush. I've been bulled for 10 years. I was friendless for 5 years. I've been used. I've been blackmailed. I've been teased.

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