Heartbreak sex

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(John's POV)

I'd always had feelings for him, pretty much from our first meeting where Lafayette and Hercules had introduced us. God I'll never forget those gorgeously amazing eyes of his, always seeming to be lit by a fire that burned strongly within him. I was taken back when I first spoke to him, his mouth running a million miles a minute.

  "I told you he talks a lot" Laf whispered, before taking a swig from his beer. I nervously chuckled and glanced at the brown eyed man rambling on about some program he'd watched.

  " Do they not realise how stupid they are to not use a touch screen on that like that would make using the showers so much easier."

  "We hear you Lex but seriously what are you going to order?"

He looked slightly surprised and glanced at his phone before noticing how long he'd been talking. " Oh shit umm look..." he mumbled scanning the menu quickly. "I'll take... a rib eye steak thanks, medium rare."

The waitress sighed heavily and strolled off, meeting with another woman and beginning to run her mouth off about him. I felt a sense of anger rise before I stopped and had a moment of confusion. The rest of the night continued following a similar line. Alexander taking non stop and the rest of us attempting to get in words before he added something else to what he'd said a few moments ago.

After a few months of this, my feelings only grew, me and Alex becoming closer friends. Most nights involved us gaming and watching movies at his flat, sometimes Laf and Herc joined us but they had they're own thing going, seeing as they were dating.

I rang the buzzer to his door and he groggy answered, his voice sounding sexier than it probably was.
'Oh god what I wouldn't kill to hear him scream my name while I roughly slammed into him.'

I felt heat rise to my cheeks and I shook my head, climbing into the elevator and pressing for the 3rd floor. I knocked on his door, my palms sweating profusely. He opened the door, eyes glistening.

  "Heyyy Johhmn" he slurred, wrapping his arm around my neck and dragging me in.

  " I see you're already drunk."

I closed the door, Lexi hauling me to his living room where Lafayette sat with Herc, the two straddled over the couch, messily making out. I opened a beer can, Laf sitting up quickly and staring at me. "Hey mon amie~" he barked, swaying over to my direction. He gave me a sloppy hug before Herc pulled him off me, and sat his boyfriend down, passing him a cup of water.

  "How's everything been?"

I chuckled and pulled him into a hug. " Good, Good. So you're the only sober one here I see."

He rubbed the back of his head and laughed loudly. " Have to drive me and Laf home so designated driver for tonight unfortunately."

I nodded and was shocked when Alex suddenly sprung at me.

  "Johnnn I... missedd youuu~"

I blushed crimson and glanced at Herc, arms holding my crush back slightly. "Has he b-been like this all night?"

He sighed and nodded. "He seemed really impatient to see you."

I laughed nervously and turned my attention back to Lexi.



"YOU wannaaaa-" His words were cut off by a sudden burp to which he contorted his face before burping again.

  "Ooohh he's gonnnaaaa be sick hahaha" Laf remarked, giggling uncontrollably.

  "Quickly the sink!"

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