Just Always Love Me

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A/N: Holy fuckk people are actually reading my shit rreeeee my goddd thank you so much I did not expect this many reads – I'm gonna try and update as much as I can but I'm doing year 12 so rip me. I had been meaning up update for ages but folio subjects are a bitch.

This is during high school and Eliza and Alex are dating.

John POV

I'd always watched over him, sticking by his side, protecting him, but it's not as though he knew. I was dead before we could properly get to know one another.

Yet I wasn't completely gone, I was able to care for him even if he never knew it.

"Alex, just- just speak to me okay. I'm worried about you since..."

He'd drowned himself in paperwork, eyes glued downwards and hand frantically scribbling away.

  "Alex-" she whispered, laying a hand on his shoulder but he spun around, standing to meet Eliza but refused to meet her gaze.

"I'm- I'm fine, I'm fine. It's just hard..." he muttered, placing a hand on her shoulder before slowly shuffling to his room and closing the door.

Eliza sat down in a chair before combing a hand through her hair, a shaky sigh slipping out.

I hated being able to see moments like this and not being able to help. God how much I wanted to help them.

I floated towards Alexander's room, hearing quiet sobs slip out, my heart pounding and tightening with each sound.

"Alex, I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry- I just- I just wish I could do something for you..."

Tears spilled from my eyes and I poked my head through the wall, seeing the damage of my death.

I floated down next to him on the bed, watching over him, wanting to touch him and just hold him but only have my hand fall straight through his shoulder.

I pulled my knees to my chest and hummed a tune, closing my eyes.

I heard him suddenly stop and gasp, causing me to look in his direction, noticing that he was staring at me.

  "Hello? Is-is there anyone there?" He muttered, sniffing and rubbing at his eyes.

"Hey Alex. I wish I could tell you how much I care about you... please love Eliza as much as I loved you. I'm sorry I'm not around anymore"


I sat up and stood up, my heart beating in my ears.

  "John is that you- did I just hear you, say something- say something else. Please."

"I never got to tell you how I felt about you and by the time I was ready... I'd run out... there was no time"

  "John if you can hear me- or if you're here just give- just give me a sign or something... to show – me that you're here."

I tried to lay a hand on his face, but to no avail, my luck had run out. Alex sat back down again, face in hands and sobbing starting again.

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