More smut and fluff

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A/N: welcome back I got more stuff y'all. This whole thing was inspired by this lovely picture from Pinterest// I'm gonna try and write more smut so here you go ( Smut is hard to write without feeling awkward as hell but I'll make do) I also apologise for the fuck ton of time it's taken my to write this (my dumb ass wanted to write another story and I have literally had this half finished for 6 months no joke)

John POV

I stared at Alex, attempting to be patient but ultimately failing, I was too excited to be quiet.

  "Alexxx" I whined, clamping my arms around the back of his chair and sliding down, my legs splayed out beneath me.

"Babe! Alex! Lex! Alexander Hamiltonnn" I continued, eventually gaining an annoyed Alex glaring at me, a hint of excitement hidden in his eyes.

I slipped fully to the tiled floors and laid on my back, holding my tortoise, Old Shit in my hands.

His face was ugly and always seemed to appear as though someone kept waking him from every nap or stealing his food; he just always looked really to attack.

Despite this, I still enjoyed his company and he seemed to some what enjoy mine so everything worked out.

  "When can we find out?" I asked again, placing Old Shit on the ground and flipping myself over, teasing the old guy with a piece of lettuce.

Alex sighed and finally gave in pushing himself from the desk and standing, only to sit on my back and kiss my head.

  "The results take awhile. We won't know when he's gonna be a dad until later today. It's 11am now, just relax okay?" He reassured, but that only made me more anxious.

I thought the idea of having baby tortoise around would be great. Actually better than great. I could die happy ya know?

He wandered to the fridge and pulled it open, grabbing a beer, holding two in the one hand above the door frame, shaking his hands slightly, head still focused on the contents of the fridge.

  I sighed, but muttered a yes, still watching Old Shit.

Alex placed it next to me on the floor, kissing me on the head before returning to his papers, managing to avoid my tortoise's anger.

  "I swear to god that tortoise hates me" he muttered, spinning back around.

I grabbed my turtle plushy and hugged it tight, watching Old Shit wander around on the tiles, seemingly attempting to attack Lex the whole time.

The phone suddenly rang a few hours later, waking me from my half sleepy state.

  "Holy shit it's Peggy! Oh god! Alex I can't- just can you answer?"

He sighed and picked up the phone, a smirk drawn across his lips.

  "Hey Peggy... Yep he's here and really wants to know what going on with your tortoise.." he laughed, glancing in my direction, kissing me on the lips before returning to the phone call.

  "Mmm yep, no I can tell him... haha yeah that's John for you... yeah got it... okay see you soon then!"

As he hung up, I scooped up Old Shit, my hands shaking with excitement.

  "So the babies have been born-"

  "Ahhhh yes! You hear that buddy? You're a dad now!" I cried, holding him above me.

Alex glanced cautiously at Old Shit, my tortoise's neck extending towards Alex, who stepped back nervously.

  "If we're gonna take him, he's gotta go in the cage. I am not getting bitten again."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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