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AN: John and Peggy are related and Alexander's best friends with her

John's POV

I rushed from the flower shop, an armful of roses tucked in my armpit and a coffee in my hand. Today I couldn't mess up, everything had to perfect. I glanced at my watch before looking ahead of me, my heart rate increasing with each passing second. My phone rang and I jumped, pulling it out and answering, hearing Laf's voice through the other end.

"Hey mon ami! Umm look you might want to hurry- I uhh am calling for an uber."

I heard silence then some muffled shouting.

"Please hurry, he's already suspicious-"

The line cut and I held it from my ear, confused for a moment until I realised I'd missed the train.

"Shit shit shit!" I swore, flicking my gaze toward one of the many screens, noting the next one wasn't for a few minutes

"Dammit it. I'm gonna have to run it."

I pushed through the crowd of people entering as I managed to make it back the entrance. I sprinted along, scanning the area, checking the time and feeling the panic rise in my chest.

'It was going to be perfect, maybe I can -'

I felt a sudden shove and stumbled, feeling my cheeks redden with embarrassment.

"Sorry" I managed, walking in the opposite direction before I noticed my wallet was missing. I turned and ran in the direction of the thief. I heard my phone ring but I switched it to silent, continuing to sprint after the woman, my heart beating faster with each passing second.

"Hey! Stop!" I cried out, gaining the attention of her for a moment before she dashed off down an alley way. I knew it was a bad idea but I needed my wallet or else I wasn't going to have a job after today.

I ran in, feeling a wave cold air sweep across my skin. "Hey, I need that wallet back. It's not yours"

"Well, no shit dumbass."

My cheeks darken in colour as I watched her taunt me with my wallet, throwing it up in one hand and catching it again.

"Look tell me what you want and we can act like none of this ever happened."

"Tsk tsk tsk I can't let you go now you've seen my face."

"Hey look you know what keep it and I'll-"

I attempted to turn and leave but a large man stood behind me, shoving me to the ground, the roses spalling in all kinds of directions. Pain shot through my body as I felt her shoe slam down on my hand, a cry escaping my lips.

"Oh, I liked the sound of that. Could we hear it again?"

The man ripped at my hair, more pain tearing in my skull. A louder yelp left my lips and she kicked at my side, air escaping my lungs.

"W-Who are you" I managed out, clutching my side.

She lifted my chin, nails digging into my cheeks.

"Maria Reynolds" she whispered, smashing her heel into my face, blood flowing in my mouth. I spat, noting the amount of blood and two teeth which had been knocked out.

"I remember you. Alex's jealous ex from high school, you know back when he was straight."

She kicked my side again, her expression growing in anger. "Listen here. I loved him and you had to make him gay, didn't you?"

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