Lams fluff shit

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A/N: Chapter based of this photo I found on Pinterest
(Alex POV)

I sighed and glanced at dripping wet boyfriend. I stood from my chair, placing my book on the table and walked up to him, staring him dead in the eyes.

  "You've tracked mud into the carpet and are dripping all over the place."

He looked around at the stacks of paper, messily placed around our dining room and lounge.

  "Sorry babe. I promise I'll clean it up. Or at least try to clean what was clean" he smirked.

  I eyed him up and down, before shaking my head. John kissed my forehead, squeezed my shoulder lightly. " I promise I'll make it up to you."

  "Okay, you wanna take a shower now?"

He smiled, his freckles scrunched up together and nodded. I chuckled and pulled him into a kiss.

  "I missed you."

As we undressed, I couldn't help but admire his body. The way his shoulders always seemed to relax but look tense. How he refused to cut his hair and had to be held down just to get the split ends off. How he always protected me as I did the same for him.

I smiled and came out of my thoughts, John staring at me with a confused look.

  "You right?"

I panicked, a deep blush covering my cheeks. "Y-yeah!"

I threw off my top and jeans, strolling to the shower, John at my heels. He suddenly pulled me back into a hug, a gasp escaping my lips.

  "You're a butt" I joked, kissing him quickly before walking into the shower and turning on the water, steam exploding all around. He strolled in giggling and rubbing the base of his neck.

  "Sorry for the surprise hug."

I grinned back in his direction before chucking him the soap. He fumbled with it before barely catching it in his grip.

I laughed and winked at him. "Don't drop the soap."

  " I'm already gay" he remarked, smiling broadly.

I shook my head and began to pour shampoo into my hair, stepping from the stream to allow John in. He pulled me back under the water, washing it out.

I quickly squeezed my eyes shut and felt his hands running through my hair, my whole body relaxing at his touch.

  "Hey babe?" He crooned


  "Do you wanna ... you know?"

I opened my eyes and looked up at my boyfriend, before feeling a wave of stress and exhaustion fall over me.

  "Oh shit!"

  I rushed out of the shower, throwing the door closed, John following directly behind me and grabbing my wrist, causing me to stop.

  "Hey wh-hat's wrong?"

I glanced at him, my brow crease deepening.

  "I have a deadline at 12 and I haven't started" I panicked, slipping out of his grip.

  "Hey Alex!"

I sped out of the bathroom, towel scrubbing through my hair in an attempt to dry it before I threw on a pair of jeans and baggy shirt, slipping into my desk chair and opening my  laptop.

  "You can continue your shower!" I called out to him, noticing from the corner of my eye John was waiting by the doorframe.

  "Okay but just call if you wanna join in."

I smiled at him, before returning to my laptop's screen and beginning to vigorously type.

After sometime I heard the door open, but I kept my gaze on my work, quickly glancing at the clock and then back to my work.

'9:30pm. Took his time'

  "Hey Alex..." John muttered, worry thick in his tone.

  "Mmmmh?" I asked, eyes kept on my screen.

  "Alex , I have made a mistake."

I glanced up before a snigger escaped my lips and then full blown laugh. He stared at me, eyes full of shock and regret.

I burst out laughing once more before managing to slightly calm myself and walked over to John, whose hair had become a large ball of frizz and fluff, while in his hands he held a hairdryer.

  "What happened?" I sniggered.

  "I thought that if I blow dried my hair would be good but then this happened-"

  "You have curly hair?"

  "Yeah but-"

I held back an urge to laugh, covering my mouth with my hand slightly. "You can't blow dry curl hair. Or that happens- have you never blow dried your hair?"

  "Ah no" he whispered, realising his mistake.

  "How do you fix it?" He panicked.

I place a hand on his shoulder and touched his hair, kissing his cheek. "Do you want me to check the internet?"

  "Yes please help me."

I chuckled and strolled back to my laptop , Laurens at my heels.

  "I love you."

  "I love you too John. I love you too."

A/N: Thank you so much for ready my 2nd chapter, I hope you enjoyed and I'm terribly sorry for the time I took to get it out as well as it being quite short ( I was going through some shit and struggled to write for several months). Don't forget to like vote and share these oneshots
Thank you
~Katelyn Hollins

Lams oneshots ( Smut and Fluff)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora