Chapter 2

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As practice starts, Chinatsu and Tatara get into the dancing stand. The moment she grips on his shoulder, she can feel how muscular he had become since from the their first practice. She was told that he was doing a regimen under Sangetsu's. 'As expected from the Japan's No.1 dancer's student... No, as if I am going to say that!?'

"Hiyama-san, after this we are going to do...". Chinatsu breaks the holds. No matter how much she tries to tolerate with this, she always ends up bursting into rage. "Could you lead me normally? Don't treat me like I am some kind of..." mumbled Chinatsu.

"Calm down, Chinatsu-chan. Why don't you guys take a break?" Suggested Banba. She just can't stand listening to their argument.

"But we just started.."

"You guys won't make any progress this way. Let me teach you how to 'follow'. While you, Tatara-kun maybe you can do a shadow practice."


"Beep. Beep."

Tatara grabbed his phone and found that he received a message from Shizuku. 

"Why are you suddenly blushing?" asked Chinatsu half-hearted. Tatara was so into his phone he didn't hear her. "Ignoring me? Just who are texting with?" Chinatsu slowly moved closer to Tatara and lean on his shoulder. 

'Hello Fujita-kun. How are you? I can't wait to see how well you have progress. I'm looking forward to stand on the same stage as you again.'

Now that she thinks about it Tatara always check out his phone during their break. After that, he will look energetic. She stared at the text's owner 'Hanaoka-san'. A girl? Deep down, Chinatsu felt a little bit pissed off. 'Stand on the same stage, what does she mean by that?'.

"Your ex-partner?!" She asked with her voice a little louder this time. "Hiyama-san! Don't just startled me!" Tatara was so surprised to find Chinatsu so close to him. He immediately hide his phone. Chinatsu just can't believe that Tatara didn't realize she has been long there. "Who is that?" She asks again.

"Ah... A friend of mine."


"No. But we did dance together before. It was during..."

"Enough. I don't want to know." With that said, Chinatsu left Tatara hanging. 

"I don't get that girl. What's the point of asking if you don't want to listen?" Tatara scratched his scalp eventhough it is not itchy. "Well, let's not waste any time and just proceed with the practice, not like I am not use to it."

Tatara decided to do a shadow practice. "Seriously, dancing has become not fun because of Hiyama..." He closed his eyes and start to recall what make him so into dancing...

Chinatsu clinched her fingers. She can quit anytime she wants and even stop from being Tatara's partner yet there's something that chain her from breaking their bonds. Therefore, above all, Chinatsu hates herself the most.

This guy is suck as hell but Chinatsu cannot deny how well he had progress for the past few weeks. So, she decided to return to the studio. From outside, she can hear the music is playing. 'Tatara must be inside.'

She steps on the floor only to find something unpleasant. Tatara's dancing with another girl and somehow she knows her. Yes, she had seen that girl before. When Chinatsu was just about to recall her memory, the girl dissapear as Tatara stopped dancing. "Eh, a shadow... But who's that?"

Tatara approached Chinatsu. "You're back? Wanna dance?" Chinatsu feels so betrayed. "You... I wonder if you have even see me as your partner." Her eyes start to get teary and just before they escaped her eyes, she decided to make a run. 

"Chi-chan, wait-up." She has been telling him to call her that but he always refused. Somehow, that nickname make her heart melts. "What?" She asked while pouting. 

"I am sorry." Tatara apologized.

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