Chapter 1: Friends

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So, there are some things that I haven't told you about my past. Like how I moved. I had lived in Ikebukuro for the majority of my life, but when my dad got a job in Saitama, we moved there. I would say I was about 14 at the time, but didn't really care that we moved. Maybe it was because this was my chance to start over. A chance that I was given to make friends and have a life where no one was scared of me. 

So we moved. We hadn't moved that far anyway from Ikebukuro, but at least I wasn't there anymore. Anyway, when we got to Saitama, the first thing I did was go around town, looking for a place that sold colored contacts. This was so I could buy e/c contacts for my crimson eye, so at least my eyes would seem normal. The only problem left was my strength, but I could easily hide that by not using it at all. 

So I started going to school in Saitama, and I made friends pretty easily, seeing as I was in my last year of middle school. We went shopping together, saw movies, and even had sleepovers, but that was soon to end. 

One the last day of school, my friends told me that they were going to be going to a high school in Ikebukuro, and that I should join them, but I said no. I didn't want to go back to that place. The place where I was always alone, never making a single friend because everyone was scared of me. 

Of course, they asked me why I didn't want to go with them, so I made the excuse that my dad doesn't want me leaving Saitama while hes working here, so I have to stay in the area. It seemed like a legit reason to them, so they said that we should always keep in contact, but I didn't want to if they were going to be making friends with the people who left me alone. The people who were scared of me would tell them, and then they wouldn't want to keep in touch. And that's exactly what happened. 

For the first couple of days of them being in Ikebukuro, they kept texting me and texting me, wanting me to reply. But then they stopped, and I knew why. They had made new friends, and those friends told them about me. My eyes and my strength, and now they were scared. 

 During my second year of high school,  I was done with life. I was sitting on a bench in the park, when it had started to rain. And along with the rain falling, came my tears. I hated living a life where everyone was scared of me. No one was in the park with me, so I had kept talking to myself about how maybe the world would be better if I wasn't here, but I had made a mistake. Someone was there. And they had heard me. 

"A pretty lady, like yourself, shouldn't be saying things like that."

I turned my head in the direction of the voice, and there stood a boy with brown hair and eyes. And he wasn't scared. I had forgotten to tell you that I wasn't wearing the contact at the time, so you could clearly see my crimson eye, but still he wasn't scared. He didn't run, or cry, or scream, just stood there looking me dead in the eye. After my moment of shock, I decided to respond. "You're not scared of me?" 

"No. Why would I be?"the boy responded in a curious manner. "My eyes, they don't scare you?" "Nope!" he smiled then continued. "In fact, I think your eyes look cool like that!" Now his smile was bigger and my eyes wide in shock. No one has ever told me that. No one ever said they liked my eyes, everyone was always scared of them, but not this kid. I guess now was the time to ask him.

"Hey kid. What's your name?"

He shouted, "Masaomi Kida! And don't you dare forget it!" then left running, probably to get back home. I want to meet this kid again. 

I want to be his friend.


Yo! I hope you enjoyed the chapter of the past. There may be more chapters of the past, but that is still unclear. It is unclear because I made this up all on the fly, so who knows what the future will have in store for this story. 

Now, having two updates in a row may make you think that this story updates daily, but no. I will not update daily unless I get the time. And I never have the time. I just happened to decide to write a part of this book the moment I got out of bed the day after I wrote the prologue the moment I got out of bed yesterday. Anyway, have a great rest of your day or night, whenever you may be reading this.

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