Chapter 2: Light

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Have you ever had a friend that just never gave up on you, no matter how depressing you would make things out to be? Masaomi ended up being that friend for me.

Ever since the day I've meet Masaomi, we've become closer. I'd tell him about how shitty my life was before hand and about the problems I would have currently, and he would just listen. Listen and make me feel better.

If I put myself down, he would yell at me for doing such a thing and get super angry. It was scary to see him so angry. Masaomi was always so upbeat and happy, so if he was angry or sad it had to be something bad.

With Masaomi around, I started to accept myself. Accept that my strength and eye were just a normal part of life. I learned that Masaomi wasn't that much younger than me, maybe about 3 years younger, but he seemed much more mature than I ever was at his age.

Masaomi was always there for me, that is until he moved. And you won't believe where he decided to go.


I know right. The one person I find and want to keep in my life for as long as possible moved to the one place where I would hate to go.

But its not his fault. He didn't know about my past in Ikebukuro. That's the one thing I never told him. So when he told me he was moving, I wanted to go with him. That all changed when he told me where.

I decided in that moment that I would see him again. I was determined to, and nothing would stop me from reaching that goal.

He was my light in murky water and I wasn't about to lose sight of it.


Yo! Long time, time no update. Sorry for such a long hold if you decided to stick with me. School got harder because of an increase in projects and I just couldn't manage to make the time to get another chapter out.

I started this book so long ago and told myself I would finish it, so here I am! I wasn't about to have another unfinished book, especially since this one barely had 2 chapters.

I'm glad you stuck around, if you did, to finish this story and I'm extremely sorry for making you wait so long for another part! I feel super bad! I'll try to get another part up sometime this week to make it up to you.

If you actually stuck around I'd love to know! Leave a comment and tell me how your liking the story so far!

If you don't want to, that's fine to, but I would appreciate the imput.

Peace, Love , Captain Crunch,

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