Chapter 4: Stick With Me

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Here I am. Waiting for the subway that was to take me to Ikebukuro. I didn't think I would meet anyone who would change my life here, but I did. Somehow.

The subway arrived and I hopped aboard, taking out my phone and headphones to listen to music during the ride. So there I sat, eyes closed, listening to my music in peace, when that peace was broken. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and opened my eyes to see a dood standing next to me, trying to tell me something that I couldn't hear.

"Sorry, what did you say? I couldn't hear anything you said." "Oh, um, is anyone sitting there?" The boy repeated, referring to the only seat left on the sub, which was the one next to me. "Oh. Nah. You can sit there, I don't have friends to save seats for."

The boy seemed slightly shocked by my statement, but it was the truth. Hey, it's hard to make friends when every person you try to talk to runs away from you because of your different colored ey- Wait. I looked back over at the boy, confused. I wasn't wearing my e/c contact, so my crimson eye was on full display, but he didn't look shocked or scared. He talked to me and viewed me as a normal person. This was when I decided to take in his features, black, shaggy hair, and midnight blue eyes. He was wearing a green and white jacket, blue jeans, and burgundy colored shoes.

He was looking down at his phone, doing something, until he suddenly looked up at me.






Cue the awkward silence and staring.

This went on for about a minute until he broke the metaphorical ice.

"So where are you heading to? I'm going to Ikebukuro." That statement made me freeze. He was heading to Ikebukuro, too? He didn't seem much older than 16. Why was he heading to that hell of a city. "Same as you. Ikebukuro was my hometown, and now I'm heading back to reunite with a friend." I responded, directing my gaze out the subway window to watch the grey wall pass by at a high speed.

"Really?! Me too!! My friend moved out to Ikebukuro not too long ago, so I decided I would finally leave my comfort area and venture out into the world. I want to live a life different than other people." He looked off at something. What was he looking at. I followed his gaze to the opposite side of the ceiling, but saw nothing.

"What are you looking at?" The boy jumped in his seat a little. "O-Oh, n-nothing. Just l-looking off into space." He chuckled a little before changing the topic. "Anyway, I'm Mikado Ryugamine, nice to meet you!" He looked at me and smiled. "F/n l/n. Nice to meet you, too." They didn't talk for a while until you decided to ask what's been on your mind for a while.

"I've been wondering, aren't you scared of me?" You looked at Mikado curiously, who had a shocked expression covering his features. He stayed like that for a while before finally answering. "Why would I be?"

Now you were the one with a shocked expression. "My eyes, they don't seem weird, or scary to you?" He shock his head, signaling that he wasn't at all scared. This very much surprised you. Only one person in your life before this had been completely fine with how your eyes looked, but now there's another, sitting right next to you. You started to tear up a bit and looked away from him, asking yourself, what did I do to deserve running into such nice people?

"I don't know you all that much, but you seem to have had a rough life, so maybe its the world's way of saying that things are going to change?" Suddenly Mikado spoke up. 'Did I say that out loud? Sh-,'

"A-ah, t-that was bad, wasn't it? Sorry, i-its just that y-you looked sad, a-and then asked that question s-so I, u-um-" "Don't worry about it. I'm actually glad. You've been the second person I've meet that hasn't been scared of my eyes," Looking up at him he seem really flustered.

"So, do you mind sticking around?"


Hello Wattpadians. It is I, Dota, back on the scene with a new chapter. Yes, it has been quite a while. I am even surprised if someone is actually reading this, but thank you for sticking around. I actually wrote this chapter a really long time ago. I don't exactly remember when, but I like it, so I'm publishing it. I hope you like it too!!

See you around,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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