Kim Taehyung 김태형

I trudge through the school grounds as it was autumn at the moment. The beautiful cherry blossom petals were raining from the trees. I look around to find the familiar cute boy I have always been watching. I find the boy with a baby pink button down shirt as I approach him.

"Hello, Jungkook!" I greet him as he hummed in response. He was reading at the moment which was the reason why he never responds to me much. He looked really innocent and adorable, his glasses on the edge of his nose. His bangs were covering half of his face so it was probably hard for him to read. I shove my hands into my pocket before pulling out a hair clip I recently bought for the boy.

I walked up to him and crouch down next to him, his back was against the brick walls of the school. I take the bunny hairclip from my pockets and clipped his hair back.

"H-huh?" Jungkook asks in confusion as he looked up at me with doe eyes. "W-Who are you?" Jungkook queries as he touches the bunny hair clip, taking it off and stares at the small accessory.

"Kim Taehyung," I gush with a boxy smile, showing him a peace sign. He looks at the bunny clip then back to me. His lips curve into a small smile, his bunny teeth were showing. "You look exactly like a baby bunny," I bubble as his smile continue to grow slowly. His eyes were round and big, giving off his innocent look.

"That name is really familiar. That's the same name of the guy that sends me cute letters all the time and also leave Ziplock bags with cookies in them too!" Jungkook starts to explain as I looked down in embarrassment, finding my converse really mesmerizing all of a sudden. My hand was on the back of my neck as my cheeks flushed red. "W-wait, your names are exactly the same... perhaps you are Kim Taehyung?" He questions, his head tilting to the side, indicating he has interest in whatever I was about to say.

"Y-yeah," I stammer, blushing. Jungkook closes his book and stands up. He was shorter than me where his forehead was near my lips. I look down to stare at his beautiful and captivating brown eyes, trying to read whatever he was feeling. I sadly couldn't see anything and look away since I was getting a bit red and shy.

"T-thank you for looking out for my health, Hyung," Jungkook bows in the direction of where I was standing at. I take the hair clip out of his soft hand before clipping it back to his beautiful raven black locks.

"You look cute with this, it fits you," I compliment Jungkook as his cheeks flush red, which I thought was adorable. He seems like a type to hate getting compliments because he blushes every time he gets one. I wonder if anyone besides me gives him compliments or gifts in general. I hope not...

"H-hyung, it's very feminine!" Jungkook whines and looked down in embarrassment. I coo at the sight of him whining. He seems like a little baby or a toddler with his hands twiddling around.

"Keep it," I beam at him and secretly caresses his cheek. He gasps as soon as he felt my fingers on his cheek and he pushes me away. He ran away from me and as if he was the flash, he was already out of my sight. I tried to chase him, but he was a fast runner. I also get very tired easily because I don't exercise, but I still maintained to keep my abs and muscles.

"Shit," I grumble as I feel bad about my stamina and my life decisions regarding exercise or physical activities in general. Thinking about my body has always wonder about how Jungkook's body structure is like. Actually, everything reminds me of him.. is that a sign of love? My friends who are dating says that when you are in love, everything reminds you of them and how you just want to wake up to see the person next to you. They also continued with saying that everyone describes love in different ways.

Some say that sexual intercourse is what love meant. Others say that it is painful, but is worth it. My friends say that it is one of the best feelings in the world when you are able to call them yours and it is one of the best feelings in the world that you can be in love. I hear them say "It is one of the best feelings in the world" a lot if you couldn't already tell. I hope to find my own definition of love with the guy who just ran away from me.

Back to the topic about Jungkook's body structure, he probably had a cute little tummy and no visible abs. He probably had no muscles either as he was so tiny. His legs look feminine and I wouldn't be surprised if he joined a female Kpop group like Girls Generation or so. I smile at the thought about Jungkook's cute face that came back into my head as I walk around the back of the school's park. I watch as people like me were walking, some were playing some sport, while others, like Jungkook, were reading.

"I'm whipped," I dreamily chuckle as I sat down on the edge of the school's fountain. The school was known for its beautiful trees and its big nature like environment. Basically, the school's staff team was filled with eco-activists who was always telling people to "Save the Trees" and quoting the Lorax every once and awhile. I spot the familiar raven-haired boy as I decide I should leave him alone for the rest of today. I make my hand into binoculars and lifted my hands to my face, checking to see if the precious boy still had his new gift on.

I smile in satisfaction when I saw the pink accessory still clipped into his hair while he was deep in his book.

"I'm really whipped."



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