Chapter 34: Infidelities

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Its safe to say that these past four months have been the beat of my life. Dominic and are so deeply in love that i have grown so attached to him. He is like the best person in the world and I love him for it. Its one things is just off about these four months.

Everytime Dominic holds Rose she starts to cry. I don't know why but she just does. She gets so upset. I don't know why tho.

I was currently packing up my things so I can take some classes for this summer. I plane on graduating my 11th grade year so why not take classes now.

I packed up Rose stuff cause she was spending the day with her daddy. Im taking her while she is sleep so she won't cry when she seen me leave. I walked down stairs and I was out the house.

I called uber and they came and picked me up. I told him to wait cause I was doing a drop off and then he can take me to school.

He pulled into Dominic's house and I walked up with Rose. She still slept in her as I knocked on the door. No one answered. I knocked again and still no one answered. I huffed and walked back to the car. I got out my phone and called him. He didn't answer and I called him again. He still didn't answer. I was beyond pissed at this point.

I stop calling him and asked the uber guy to take me to school.

After my long day at school I went home and tried to call Dominic again. He answered on the last ring.

"Hello?" he asked and I was so heated I sat Rose in the middle of the bed with pillows around her. I walked into the bathroom.

"Bring your ass over here right fucking now?!" I said and hung up. I walked back into the room and sat with Rose. I tickled her feet and she giggled.

"I love you baby." I said and she did nothing but giggled and reach for me face.

I heard the doorbell. I walked down stairs and opened it. There stood Melvin. He held lots of toys.
"Listen I know im not suppose to be here but its some stuff I order from China. It just some toys." he said and I smiled and let him in. He walked in and I lead him upstairs.

We walked into my room and he came up to Rose. "Wassup fat girl." he said and tickled her feet. She laughed uncontrollably. I smiled.

He took out a baby raddle and gave it to her. She played with it. He sat the box down and looked at me. "So how you been?" he asked and I smiled.

"Good. Just been doing good. How are you?" I asked and he sighed.

"Good. Just been chilling with some family. I talked to Jane." he said and I sighed.

"How is she?"

"She sounds good. She 9 months now and she been telling me that the father is this older guy." he said and I nodded.

The doorbell rung and we walked down stair. I seen Dominic but the nigga had the biggest hickey on his fucking neck.

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