Chapter 6: Participants of the GMG

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Natsu's POV

Everything was settled down after what happen on my birthday. She told everyone why she left and the reason why she got sick for 11 years straight.

Honestly, I feel bad. I'm a horrible person. And a dumb one too, why didn't I think of that she's in the woods in Hargeon!?

About her returning....

We still didn't announced Lucy's return to everyone in the kingdom, even though Queen Hisui was worried.

A/N: That's a spoiler to the people who haven't been on the last chapter yet. Hisui become the Queen. That's why JeRza can happen.

So basically, only the townsfolk of Magnolia and Fairy Tail knows that she's back.

We all live in Lucy's apartment. We already bought it so it's our house.

“Nashi! Luke! Wake up!” Luce called the kids.

Oh yeah. She's still in her wheelchair. Porlyusica said by next week she can walk properly now.

There's no response to Nashi, but Luke just silently came.

“Nashi! If you don't come down! I'm gonna eat your food!” I playfully threaten.

Just in 3 weeks we all live together. I already knew what's their hobbies. What's their achievement. What's their job before joining Fairy Tail. What they like. What they don't like.

Luke joined the guild too, same goes for Luce. The whole guild is complete again.

“Don't you dare, Daddy!!” She shouted from upstairs.

Soon, we heard footsteps coming.

Nashi crashed onto the wall when she accidentally slipped in the floor.

Luke laughed at his twin, me and my wife just chuckled.

She stood up and said,“Not funny, Iggy!”

From what Luce told me, they used to argue all the time.

After eating. We went to the guild.

“Morning!” We greeted.

“Morning Dragneel!” They all greeted back.

I forgot to mention. We also didn't announce to the whole kingdom about the twins. We wanted it to be a surprise.

2 weeks ago Nova told us that Luke have once posted for Sorcerer Weekly Magazine.

But Luke said, that his fangirls in Hargeon was the one who called Jason to take a picture of him.

The picture that was on the magazine was when he had an appointment with a patient of his. He also told us that being a doctor wasn't his dream. His dream was like Luce. Be a successful writer. And to be a strong wizard.

True enough, he manage to beat Reiki in combat battle. Even without using his keys, he's strong.

“Wait, So I wanted to ask how in the world Nashi have two elements instead of one?” Happy asked.

“Now that you mention it. Yeah, how did it happen?” Gajeel asked,“How come Gail don't have two elements,”

Luce sighed,“When two element are compatible. It will merge in their offspring's body. Whether one of the parents is a dragon slayer, god slayer or a devil slayer.

But sometimes, if the couple had twins they might have the slaying type of the parent and the two elements of their parents,” Luce explained.

“So that's why Krystal is also a devil slayer,” Gray said.

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