Season 1, Chapter 1

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~Location: Bristol Central High School~

Day 1/7

It was early in the morning, the gang having just arrived at school, before it even started for the day. They would gather in the library at a small table.

"So then Brendan goes "Aim for their heads boys." In this hilarious voice." Rebecca laughed, after telling the story to the others that weren't there.
"You don't invite me to go anywhere with you." A girl with semi-long black hair stated.
"Bri, if you want to go anywhere, we can go. I'll go." Rebecca mentioned.
"We'll plan a date- not a date- but a day we can hang out together then." Bri smiled.
"Hey guys." Another individual walked over, carrying a large water bottle.
"Hey Cody." Aliyah greeted.

Cody placed his large water bottle on the table, as he would on a typical day of school. As well as James walking over to Aliyah, his lovely girlfriend. He gave her a light hug.

"No PDA!" The librarian, Ms. Meehan exclaimed.

A quiet chuckle echoed amongst the group as the two lovebirds idly turned rosey from embarrassment.

"Did you hear? The flu is finally in America." Cody mentioned.
"Oh shush. You'll rile up Brendan." Rebecca spat out.
"See!? Told you it was in America!" Brendan announced.
"That doesn't mean it's up here on the north east." Alyssa added.
"Exactly." Rebecca nodded.
"Well, if it was, I doubt we'd be prepared." James reminded.
"I have a decent idea of how things could work out." Brendan announced.
"We're not one of your book, Brendina." Aliyah joked.
"Whose that?" Brendan quizzed.
"I like Brendan's books." Cody popped in.

They grew into an awkward silence, looking at each other. Audra ended up walking over at some point in a no sleeve dress. They looked at her, giving her a quick, polite smile (besides Brendan). Their eyes trailed down, and on her wrist, they noticed what looked to be like teeth marks.

"What happened to you?" Rebecca asked, her head filled with curiousity.
"SHE'S BIT." Brendan nearly yelled.
"Huh? Oh. Yeah. Bae bit me. No biggy." Audra chuckled.
"Was he acting weird?" Brendan quizzed.
"Uh no." Audra spat out.

They headed off to classes

Day 2/7

A dark gloomy set of clouds hung over the school as the kids were wandering in.

"You know, the news kinda creeps me out now." Alyssa stated.
"Well, I mean, this is a real epidemic Alyssa." Rebecca reminded.
"Yeah but, I don't wanna hear about over 10 million people having died from it." Alyssa sighed.
"Brendan keeps saying it's going to start bringing the dead back to life." Aliyah chuckled.
"Brendan's also obsessed with zombies." Rebecca laughed.

Day 3/7

The school had the news playing in lunch, allowing the group to watch from their seats.

"Breaking News, Cannibal discovered in Georgia, found consuming another person on the side of a road. Man then stumbled towards police until police open fired. It took several bullets to take him down." A reporter mentioned.
"You guys know what that was?" Brendan asked.
"A zombie" the rest rolled their eyes.
"A zombie- yeah." Brendan mentioned.
"Georgia huh?" Rebecca asked.
"Wanna go nerf battling later?" James wondered.

They nodded, before gathering everyone and heading to their spot they claimed deep within a set of pinewood forests.

They played for at least two hours, going until dusk. They aimed for the upper chest, so they could aim for the head in a real scenario. Most of the group were good shots, a couple of individuals, missed a bunch of shots. But yet,. No matter what, they all felt oddly confident.

Day 4/7

The flu had spreaded West from Georgia first, heading towards the West coast, not North towards them.

"How... Does it spread so much in a day?" Rebecca quizzed, demanding logic to this.
"I'd guess, people- or carriers- are trying to escape what they don't know they already have." Bri stated.
"So it's easily spreading the disease." Cody added.
" At least they aren't fleeing North." Alyssa pointed out.
"Well, soon the West is gonna be infested, and where do you think their going to come?" Brendan asked.
"Mexico!" Aliyah announced.
"No. Up here. We're next." Brendan declared.

That night, they quickly set up a group chat:

Brendan 19:50
"There goes California."
Rebecca 19:50
"How do you know?"
Brendan 19:50
"I found a live epidemic tracker."
James 19:51
"The sad fact that needs to exist."
Aliya 19:52
"Let's try not to be too concerned about it. I read that their starting to quarantine stated and areas."
Rebecca 19:53
"I sure hope so."

Brendan added a friend from Southington, Haylee into the group chat.

Haylee 19:55
"All I gotta say, is that if this goes down, first thing on my priority is to try and meet up with you guys."
Rebecca 19:55
"Rather die as a group than all alone."

Day 5/7

Classes got interrupted swiftly and randomly, whenever a new breaking news came out, the principal required teachers to play it. It didn't take long before all students had begun to get nervous and anxious. They weren't sure what was going to happen.

Mr. Wininger, the principal himself, explained that he felt no student should be without the knowledge of what's happening worldwide. Cannibals, People who look disheveled, people fleeing for their lives trying to escape the inescapable epidemic.

"Mr. Wininger!" Brendan called during lunch, as the principal patrolled around the room.
"Yes?" Wininger asked.
"Do you believe in the exsistance of zombies?" Brendan quizzed.
"I do." Cody stated.
"Usually... No. But with the current events that's been happening, I'm not exactly sure any more." Wininger explained.
"See? Even Wininger thinks it's a possibility." Brendan announced.
"Possibilities don't mean it's true." Alyssa pointed out.

Time was ticking away, and they still had no idea what exactly was waiting for them in the near future, or the lengths each would have to take for eachother.

Days Left Until The Outbreak: 2

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