Season 1, Chapter 2

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~Starting Location: On the side of a road nearby Bristol Central~

Day 6/7

Rebecca opened up a news app on her phone,scrolling through while the others watched over her shoulder, nearly filled with a combination of fear and nervousness.

"Here it is." Rebecca mentioned.

She pointed to a video on her phone, without clicking on it, the caption said it without her even needing to.

"The flu that has become a worldwide epidemic, has progressively evolved making scientists struggle to create a cure, this I'd currently a chance for a complete elimination of the human race." Aliyah read out.
"This is bad." Rebecca stated.

They walked to the school, and walked in. There was doctors at the doorways, stopping the students wandering in to check on them.

The classes were slim, from parents keeping their kids home, or from the doctors preventing entry. The flu was confirmed in Connecticut, so ever building was taking precautions, trying to keep the flu out. From the rest of the population. Classes weren't even correct, everyone just went wherever they wanted. No one was learning really. But doctors would teach reminding about safety and keeping the flu from others.

"This is kinda scary." Alyssa mentioned.
"I mean, whatever happens, happens I guess." Rebecca shrugged.
"I wonder where Brendan is, isn't he usually here before us?" James asked.
"Hopefully he didn't get stopped on the way in." Aliyah stated.
"If he did he gotta be sick." Rebecca reminded.

As they mentioned him, as if just luck of timing, Brendan wandered in and threw his bag to the ground.

"There he is." Rebecca mentioned.
"I got stopped on the way in. My mother got sick so they wanted to make sure it didn't spread to me." Brendan announced.
"You're good then?" Aliyah asked.
"Yeah." Brendan nodded.

Rebecca watched as more doctors came in, going to do another quick check on everyone in the room. Teachers had to get it done too. Then an ambulance came, and everyone had pressed against the door and went slightly into the hallway watching. A stretcher flew in, surrounded by doctors, they headed into a room, emerging with a teacher, Mr. Talmadge, on the stretcher, he was pale- infected.

The doctors had to check everyone in that room again.

Rebecca's phone buzzed and a light alarm went off.

"What's that?" Aliyah asked.
"It's a breaking news alert." Rebecca mentioned.

Rebecca opened it up, as other students turned their attention towards her. No other phone had it set up the way she did.

"Read it aloud!" Someone called out.
"Breaking News: A thought confirmed death by the epidemic flu has since come back to life, and attempted to attack morgue worker. Morgue worker called police who shot and killed the corpse, again. Worker says that he had white eyes, stumbled while walking, and looked- basically like a zombie." Rebecca read out.

The room silenced, everyone in a state of shock.

"Go show that to Mr. Winninger." Mr. Lattimer, their English teacher mentioned.
"On it." Rebecca nodded.

Rebecca hurried out, followed by Brendan, Aliyah, and James. They arrived at the office, and hurried to the principal.

"Mr. Winninger!" Rebecca mentioned, holding out her phone to him.

He took a look, and noted it down.

"Don't worry, if there's one thing the school will do- is protect it's students." Winninger stated.

Day 7/7- Day of the Outbreak.

Once the squad collected in the library early in the morning, was when they got another alert from Rebecca's phone.

"Exponentially, the dead have contributed to rise from the dead, creating swarms of zombies, citizens are advised to board up homes and arm yourselves." Rebecca muttered.
"These zombies are appearing everywhere, all over the world, as a zombie apocalypse has just taken place." Brendan finished reading it over her shoulder.

There was no classes. There wasn't enough students. The majority of students stayed home. The school was with police officers and doctors, trying to maintain and protect the students in there.

Everyone had to stay in about the same location, the cafeteria. The sunshine was coming brightly from the Windows to their right side.

"I told you it was the zombie apocalypse." Brendan mumbled.
"Yes, because your books predict the future." Alyssa scoffed.

Only a few hours in, a wandering zombie walked into the school property, able to be seen from the cafeteria windows. They blinked, and students pressed against the glass.

A few officers attempted to handle it, but when one got bitten into, the other one jumped back in shock. He shot a couple of bullets in the direction of it. None of which did any damage to the zombie then what already seemed to had already damaged it.

Rebecca opened the window.

"AIM FOR THE HEAD." Brendan yelled.

The officer did, and took a shot. It killed the walking corpse. He sighed in relief, and students begun to walk back to their spots. The officer that got bitten turned, and attacked the police officer. Whom screamed out in pain. Students freaked out.

It didn't take long until all of a sudden the school was surrounded in the mobile dead. It came to their attention that bitten students would count as being infected as well. Rebecca gasped, and pointed to Audra in the distance.

Audra was pale, her eyes having faded from her usual vibrant color to a light blue.

"She was biten." Rebecca reminded.

Suddenly all attention was on Audra. She was off by herself, and wasn't talking. A doctor and an Officer went towards her, as they got close, all of a sudden Audra leapt towards the officer and bit into his neck before attacking the doctor was well.

Students screamed and scattered amongst the room and out into the hallways.

"We gotta move! Now!" Rebecca called out.

The group collected themselves and ran into a classroom on the third floor locking the door. Rebecca and Aliyah sent out texts for everyone to meet them up there. Brendan slid open his bag.

"I came prepared." Brendan stated.

The others stared breathlessly into the bag. A couple gasped.

The apocalypse has begun.

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