Season 1, Chapter 3

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~Base Location: Bristol Central~

Brendan was assigned to watching the door, letting others in, while Rebecca and Aliyah laid out the guns and knives that Brendan has stashed into his bag.

Alyssa, Bri, Aliya, Dottie, James, and Gaby all made it safely to the room.

Brendan and Rebecca stood in front, immediately taking the leadership role.

"So, probably once we head out of these doors to get out of the building, we're gonna learn this school has been completely overrun by zombies." Rebecca stated.
"Which means, we're gonna have to fight our way out." Brendan added.
"We're gonna pack ourselves up with each of us having a weapon. Wither you use it or not is up to you." Rebecca glanced at the group.

They started handing out the weapons when all of a sudden the door clicked open, unlocked by a key. They all froze still as the door opened and shut behind the individual.

"What are you all doing here?" A teacher asked.
"Oh hey Mr. Lattimer. Just using this room as a temporary base." Aliyah chuckled.

David scanned his room, looking at the supplies.

"Where did you get all of these weapons?" Lattimer asked.

They all quickly pointed at Brendan.

"That somehow doesn't surprise me." Lattimer scoffed.
"What are you still doing in the building?" Rebecca asked.

Lattimer opened his cabinet in the corner of the room and pulled out a gun.

"We all have our precautions." He stated.

Lattimer agreed to stick with them for the time being.

There was a banging on the door. All of the group brought their guns up, in a moment of panic.

"Guys~?" They heard a familiar voice ask.

A couple sighed in relief, the majority just sighed. Lattimer opened the door, and Cody wandered in.

"Hey guys." Cody greeted.
"Are you okay?" Alyssa asked.
"I'm just bleeding a bit, got in a fight with one of them." Cody explained.
"You're not infected are you?" Rebecca asked.
"We should check him." James announced.

A large scratch went up his arm, and a bite mark was located on his ankle, they could quickly tell he was not only infected, but he was going to turn soon. Brendan grabbed him by the shirt and shoved him into the hallway, slamming the door shut.

"We just should shoot him, as of right now this floor is currently cleared of zombies." Rebecca explained.
"You guys are just going to blantantly shoot him? While he's alive?" Lattimer asked.
"It's out of mercy Mr. Lattimer, we rather not have him struggle with the transmutation." Brendan announced.
"Did he just name call his story?" Aliyah quizzed.
Rebecca sighed, "Yes, yes he did."
"I'll do it then." Lattimer stated.

They followed Lattimer from the doorway. Cody had started to walk down the hallway.

"Cody!" Aliyah yelled to get his attention.

He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around with a smile, unaware of his fate. He started walking towards them. In one fluid motion, Lattimer swung out his gun and shot Cody straight through the head, allowing for a perfect and simplistic kill.

"Good ridance." Brendan muttered.
"Nice shooting." Rebecca added.
"We should start working towards getting to the cafeteria. Even though it might have the most zombies, it'll be a good place to get food and other supplies." Lattimer declared.

The others with them blinked, who would have thought an English teacher would be so knowledgeable during a zombie apocalypse.

"Do we know how many are there?" Dottie asked.

Everyone shrugged. Dottie, wasn't really planning on shooting anyone. But they headed down towards the Cafeteria. They shot a couple of zombies on the stairwell that looked like freshmen they once saw walking slowly through the halls. The cafeteria had scattered zombies amongst it. They recognized a few, Nate, Anna, Bella, Audra, and Mr. Winninger himself- most noteable- were all zombies roaming the room.

Others were just random students they've never met. They managed to sneak by a good bit of them, but Dottie was shaking and accidentally shot. Causing the horde to suddenly direct their attention to her, and the girl next to her, Alyssa.

"We gotta get inside the kitchen!" Brendan called.

They started rushing into the kitchen, As there hurried in, Alyssa was grabbed by her ankle, and yanked to the ground, only to be bitten by zombies around her.

"Alyssa!" Dottie yelled.

Dottie started shooting the zombies around her.

"Dottie it's not worth it!" Aliyah called.

That didn't stop her, and she got to Alyssa, Who sprung off the ground and bit violently into Dottie's neck, the blood quickly spilling beyond control. Lattimer slammed the door shut and they blocked it off as they heard the blood curdling scream from Dottie's pain.

You could easily see the pain of visually seeing their close friends perish such an untimely fate.

"Come on, let's keep moving." Rebecca mentioned.
"You know they just died right? No moment of silence?" Bri asked.
"Bri the majority of the world is dead. As much as we'll all miss them, we need to focus on surviving." Rebecca attempted to explain.

Brendan, Aliyah, Aliyah, Lattimer, and James nodded in agreement, Gaby and Bri simply looked off to the side, towards the cafeteria, clearly unsettled by the deaths. Gaby, with Bella, and Bri with Alyssa.

The two stood there while the others began collecting and stashing the food they could into their backpacks. Brendan, Aliyah, and Rebecca's phones buzzed, it was a group chat they were in.

Haylee 14:21: Are you guys alright?
Brendan 14:21: Haylee! You're alive!
Rebecca 14:22: We're alright, we're at Central still.
Haylee 14:22: Alright, and Aliyah?
Aliyah 14:22: I'm here.
Haylee 14:23: Okay good. I'll start making my way towards you guys, we can try and meet halfway.
Rebecca 14:23: Alright.

They smiled, as another one of their friends were confirmed safe.

"..." Bri sighed. "I really don't think I can live like this. Especially if more and more are just going to die." She stated.

The others turned to her.

"I really really can't." Bri announced.
"Bri..." Rebecca began.

As Rebecca went to approach her, Bri shot herself in the head, knowing Rebecca would've stopped her.

"Godammit!" Rebecca yelled.
"Let's just move, we should get back to the classroom at least." Brendan stated.
"Yeah. You're right." Rebecca muttered.

Aliyah hurried to keep up with Rebecca and grabbed hold of her arm, knowing it'll cause her to smile. They headed off back to the classroom without many encounters.

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