The funeral of A Relationship

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There are a lot of things in this world that make me sad. Wars. Tortured animals. Shoes that aren't in my size. But among them there is one particular action that that touches my soul in a certain way that makes me sad, but here's the catch kiddo, it's the good kind of sad. Good kind of sad? What could you possibly mean oh so smart and deep author?

Just give me a minute of your time mortal reader, and a bit of attention.

I think all of us have found at least once a person whose every sentence demanded an answer from us. You know what I'm talking about. The endless phone calls, non stop texting, meme tagging or any other form of verbal or non verbal communication. I'm sure even you sometimes wondered ''what the fuck are we talking about most of the time''.

The thing is there are certain people in this world who vibrate on the same note you do. Some call them soulmates, some call them friends, some might even call them enemies (and that is something I'd like to talk about in a future post), but right now I call it irrelevant because my point is a bit far from here.

So, moving forward, you talk non stop, you start knowing each other's routines, habits, friend's names, friends of friend's names. If they don't answer a text you get worried because oh that's so not like them. Everything is happy happy joy joy. And don't get me wrong, relationships, any kind of relationships, are able to build us or destroy us. I am not mocking them. I just haven't reached my subject yet so I am getting bored.

So, after you become a constant in each other's lives and everything is beautiful, milk and honey and pumpkin spice latte, in some cases

the first symptom appears.

At first it seems like nothing. It's not a big deal. You are not going to overreact. It's just an unanswered text message. Maybe they are busy. An apology follows and everything is beautiful again.

Ok, maybe they reply 5 hours later. They have a job. They have a life. Even if it becomes a habit. Their excuses are plausible.

Another unanswered forgotten text message. It comes of course with un apology the next day. They were really tired so you understand them.

A day goes by and you don't talk. You fidget with the phone in your hand wondering if you should call them.

That is when the second symptom strikes.

You don't call them. You get busy, maybe hang out with some of your friends and forget for a while.

The second day they message you asking what you did the previous day. They've been busy again. And that's when things go from chronic to acute .

The third symptom is there. You say that everything is fine. No details. Then you ask about their day and their answer is much more ample. Then you read one of their messages and don't respond because you are tired and tomorrow is another day.

The fourth and fifth symptoms happen at once. You don't try to reach them anymore. And when they try to contact you, you notice the last symptom. When they write a sentence there aren't another 6 in you head to send. There is nothing. You actually have to force yourself to come with an answer. And you both know it. Its the end and you feel it everywhere. But you don't say anything. What is there to say?

The funeral of a relationship like this is a loud event . Many attend it. There are hurt feelings everywhere, loud and powerful and childish, screaming at everyone to listen to them, but unable to express what they mean. Unsaid words sit in a corner looking frightened at the spectacle not daring to make a sound, maybe some frustrated tears that try to hide themselves under the chairs and a lot of speeches both of you wanted to say at one point.Speeches that fight over who must take the chair are also present, but in the end no one does. In the end no one speaks. There are also a lot of good memories that try to remind everyone of those amazing times...but the hurt feeling scream to loud for them to be heard. .

There is another person that sits in a corner. But this one is seen by everyone. There isn't one person at the funeral that doesn't know who the tall slim lady, dressed casual in black jeans and a black shirt, ignoring everyone is. She doesn't have to speak in order for the guest to listen to her. She doesn't even have to look at them. Everyone knows she is the reason why they are here today. Yet everyone is too afraid to say anything. So they don't adress her. They just fight with each other.

Pride is her name and she keeps ignoring everyone.

After the funeral she comes home to keep you warm at night.

But does she, dear reader? Does she keep you warm after the funeral of a relationship?

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