Relationship #3

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So, I dated a guy. Whyyy

He kissed another girl in the first week of us dating. Well, I guess I really liked him because I forgave him. And kept on dating. We did cute things like ride horses together and play Minecraft together and shoot guns together and fall asleep on the couch together. One cute thing we did not do was kiss. He knew I was ace before we dated, and I made sure he was okay with that. I guess in his head kissing me would make up for kissing another girl. Ha. I wouldn't do that. All my friends and family hated him after he cheated on me, so he could basically only talk to me and felt really uncomfortable around them. His depression got a lot worse and the guilt basically took over him. It was kinda sad. So, long story short, he dumped me :) ugh I am such an idiot but I can't be mad at him someone help. I have only ever loved 2 guys and he is one of them.. Yes I am most likely insane. Who loves a guy after he cheats on her? And after he can't handle the guilt and dumps her? Me apparently.

Anyways, sorry for the venting. Until next time, peace and love, my little squigs

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