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Hermione Granger never thought she would have wanted to leave the Wizarding World by her own accord. That thought hadn't crossed her mind until May 3rd, 1998. May 3rd was the day after the Second Wizarding War had ended after Voldemort was killed by Harry Potter during the Battle of Hogwarts.

So many of her friends and classmates were dead by the time the war drew to a close she would just have nightmares of seeing their faces on repeat. Her nightmares got so bad she fought sleep, drinking three cups of coffee every night to fight away any chance of sleep.

She loved her best friends dearly but started crying whenever she saw them since they reminded her of the war and all the pain it had caused her and her loved ones. Her friends cared for her deeply and it hurt them to see the usually tough girl reduced to what she was then.

Hermione Granger was never the type of girl to make illogical decisions so that's why she left the Burrow and 12 Grimmauld Place on May 6th of 1998. She cut all ties with every witch and wizard she knew, including Muggleborns and Squibs. Hermione plunged head first back into the Muggle world, a world she had left seven years prior for the wonderful world of Wizards and Witches.

She moved back into her parents' old house, the house where she removed herself from her parents' memories forever. Hermione did that to protect her parents but now she had no one to protect her. The teen cried for days after she returned home, knowing that she would never see her parents ever again.

She was all alone in a world filled with people she no longer knew. A world filled with people who knew nothing of what transpired at a castle in the Scottish highlands on May 2nd of 1998. A world that will never hear of those events. A world that would never recognize the deaths of her friends and all of the other people that died because of Tom Riddle.

For the first time in her whole life, Hermione Granger was truly alone with no hope of someone she knew coming to save her. Because she had burned all of the bridges she had so she could become alone and away from all magical people.

She even locked her wand away in a safe that now resides in the dusty attic of her home. All of her Hogwarts textbooks were left at either the Burrow or 12 Grimmauld place after she left. All of her Wizarding money stayed in her Gringotts vault and won't be coming out in years to come. All of her robes were burned by the now nineteen year old as soon as she came home, leaving her with only Muggle clothes.

Now Hermione Granger could go back to the girl she was when she was eleven; an unnervingly smart Muggle who had no knowledge of the Wizarding community. But she did know of wizards and witches when she came back to the Muggle world. She knew them far too well for her own liking.

And so did he. The man that supposedly died during the final battle of the Second Wizarding War. The man that was one of the many faces in her ongoing nightmares. The man that she saw the light leave their eyes.

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