Five Months and Five Days pt.3

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~ Hermione Granger ~

Professor Snape and I arrive outside of my house in a matter of seconds. The  nausea that comes with apparition leaves after a few seconds. He walks up to the front door and mutters the unlocking spell. The door flies open and he brings me inside. He kicks the door closed with his foot and walks the two of us into the living room. He delicately places me on the couch in the living room.

"Thank you" I say softly.

Professor Snape nods and sits down on the chair across from me.

"Why didn't you have your wand?" He asks bluntly.

I arch a brow at him before sighing. I haven't used my wand in nearly five months so it's locked in a safe up in the attic.

"Because I gave up using magic after I moved out of the Burrow" I reply honestly.

"Do you at least still have your wand?" Professor Snape asks, sounding a little bit dissapointed.

"Professor don't tell me you think that I'm that daft. Of course I still have my wand, it's in a safe upstairs" I reply.

"I don't find you daft, Hermione. And you might as well call me Severus since I'm not your teacher anymore" Professor Snape replies with a sigh.

"Alright, Severus" I reply, feeling a tad bit odd saying his first name and not calling him professor.

"How long do you think Potter and Weasley will be?" Severus asks, running a hand through his shoulder length black hair.

"Probably half an hour to an hour. I better call Jeannie and tell her that Karlie left or something like that" I say with a sigh.

"The Ministry will take care of that Hermione, you don't have to do everything" Severus says softly.

"I know, I just feel....responsible" I reply with a sigh.

"Responsible? Why?" Severus asks.

"Because if I knew that Karlie was a rogue Death Eater I could've turned her in months ago. But instead I was dumb and became friends with her" I sigh, dropping head into my hands.

I hear a little bit a movement but other then that the room is competely silent. A hand lightly drops down onto my shoulder, causing me to jump and look up. It's just Severus, obviously. He's siting really close to me and our knee are now touching.

"You're not even close to being dumb Hermione so stop saying things like that" Severus says softly.

I slowly nod my head.

"Why did you stop using your wand?" Severus asks.

"Because I moved here to forget magic and the Wizarding world but I guess that isn't going to happen" I say with a sigh.

"If you wanted to truly forget everything why didn't you just Obliviate yourself?" He asks.

"I wanted the option of going back to stay open" I reply with a shrug.

He nods his head.

"To pass the time we can watch a movie, if you want" I suggest with a small shrug of my shoulders.

"Alright. What movie do you suggest?" The older wizard asks.

I force myself to stand, ignoring how some of my joints popped in protest. Severus basically jumps up and off of the coach, probably wanting to be there if I fall. I shuffle over to my TV and turn it on, along with the DVD player. I go through the movies that I have and I groan. I don't have that many good ones.

"We could watch Titanic" I suggest with a shrug.

"Okay" Severus mumbles.

I put the DVD into the DVD player and wait for it to get to the main menu. I press play before walking back over to the couch, grabbing the two blanket that are on the back of it. I wrap myself up in the first blanket and I hand the other one to Severus.

I probably fall asleep within ten minutes of the movie starting.


"Hermione, Hermione, you need to wake up" Someone says softly next to me as they shake me awake.

I open my eyes and rub the remaining sleep out of them. After that I realize that my head is resting against something hard. I lift my head up to see that it was resting against Severus' shoulder.

"Sorry" I say quietly.

I look around the room to see Harry and Ron standing in the entrance of the living room. I motion for them to do, which they do. They sit in the two available chairs closest to the front door.

"How did everything go at the Ministry?" I ask the boys.

"They went, I suppose. Petrova has a hearing scheduled for tomorrow morning and is most likely going to be sent to Azkaban for life" Harry replies.

I slowly nod my head. Karlie was a Death Eater so she deserves to spend the rest of their life in Azkaban.

"But, we need you to come for the hearing" Ron adds with somesort of a grimace on his face.

"What? Why?" I ask in a shrill tone of voice.

"Because she used one of the three unforgivable curses on you 'Mione and the court needs to believe that" Harry replies.

"Fine, I'll go. But after that I'm done with everything magical" I reply, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

The two of them nod their heads, knowing where I'm coming from.

"Professor, I'm sorry to have to ask this but can you stay with Hermione to make sure she goes to the hearing tomorrow. Neither Ron or I will be attending it so we'll have no way of knowing if she goes of not" Harry asks, looking at Severus with a pleading expression on his face.

Severus groans but nods his head in agreement.

"Thank you very much sir" Harry says.

Both Harry and Ron stand at the same time.

"See you later 'Mione" They both say in unison.

"See you"

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