Five Months and Five Days

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~ Hermione Granger ~

I sneezed as I walked into work this morning. The only person in the café is Jeannie since Karlie and I's shift doesn't start for nearly an hour. She looks at me with a quick look of sympathy. I won't be able to make drinks today since I'm sick which means that I'm stuck on cleaning duty. I sneeze three times on my way to the employees room, earning a chuckle in response from Jeannie.

"Hermione, go home" She says.

I stop walking and arch a brow at her. Why is she telling me to go home? Is she firing me.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because you're obviously feeling under the weather. Go home and get some rest. I expect to see you here tomorrow for your shift though" Jeannie says.

I slowly nod my head and walk towards the exit of the café. Karlie's probably going to be pissed that I'm not going to be there but whatever. I leave the café and start the long walk back home. No one else is walking at this hour and only a few cars pass me on my way home.


I spin around and my jaw drops. Standing a few feet behind is me none other than Ron Weasley.


"We all thought that you left the bloody country or something" Ron says as the two of us enter my home.

"I know" I reply.

Ron slowly nods my head and hangs his jacket on the coat rack next to the front door.

"What do you do around here anyway?" He asks, arching a brow at me.

"I work at a Muggle café" I reply simply.

I do my know if I should tell him that Professor Snape's alive or not. I could subtly mention him and see what reaction I get from Ron. But if Professor Snape is living in the Muggle world there is a high probability that all other witches and wizards, besides me, think that he's been dead for months now.

Ron slowly nods his head. He looks the same as he did five months ago but now he has dark bags under his eyes. Probably a result of his Auror training.

"Why did you leave?" Ron asks quietly.

I sigh and look away from my best friend.

"Because I couldn't deal with the trauma of the war, Ron. I can barely deal with it now when I'm away from everything and everyone" I reply honestly, running a hand through my hair.

Ron slowly nods his head.

"You could've at least told us that you were leaving before you left" Ron says.

"I told Ginny" I reply quickly.

Ginny caught me the night I was leaving so I told her why and where I was going. I'm surprised that she didn't tell everyone else.

Ron mutters something under his breath, probably cursing Ginny for not telling anyone else.

"She and Harry are engaged and they're going to get married after Ginny graduates from Hogwarts" Ron says.

"Well send them my regards. Anyways, what are you doing in these parts?" I ask.

"Harry and I are looking for a woman named Karlie Petrova, she is a former Death Eater and she's killed three Muggles and multiple witches and wizards" Ron explains.

My jaw pops open and I almost faint. Karlie Petrova is the Karlie that works at the café.

I've been working with and became friends with a Death Eater.

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