Prologue: The Four Princesses

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'My Little Pony' may simply be a fandom in our world, but it has a universe of its own where everything that we watched is REAL. There is the same planet that we know as Earth, except it is much smaller and inhabited by ponies instead of humans. Equestria is their equivalent of America, but also Britain at the same time. Here is a list of some other countries and Equestrian states. . .

Dragon Island is a huge island that is inhabited by dragons. They are ruled by either a king or queen, who is typically the most powerful dragon there.

Cloudsdale is a large city in the sky that is made out of clouds and inhabited by pegasi. Since it floats above Equestria, it's considered part of Equestria. Like every other pony-populated country, it is under the rule of the alicorn princesses.

Zebrean Islands is a group of forest-covered islands that are very close to each other and populated by zebras. They don't have a royal ruler; instead, they have a president who is also a zebra.

Prance, the pony version of France, is the capital city of Paris. Many posh unicorns live there. They follow the rules of the Prance government and their prime minister, but also worship the alicorn princesses.

Trotland is the the pony version of Scotland. It is part of Equestria. Many earth-ponies inhabit this country, with the occasional pegasus, but there aren't typically any unicorns here.

Griffinalia is the country of the griffins. It is ruled by either a king or queen, who reside in the capital, a city known as Feather Top.

Changeling Island is a dark, gloomy and mysterious island. This is where evil creatures known as changelings live. They obey and worship Queen Chrysalis, the arch-nemesis of Princess Celestia.

The Crystal Empire is one of Equestria's states. It is a diamond-covered land that is inhabited by crystal-ponies. They are led by Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armour, who both live in the Crystal Castle with their daughter, Princess Flurry Heart.

Appleloosa is the Equestrian state where western earth-ponies live, caring for crops and animals. No pegasi, unicorns or alicorns live there. Most of these earth-ponies wear stetsons and listen to country music due to typical Appleloosan tradition.

Now, let me tell you more about Equestria. The name 'Equestria' is derived from the word 'equestrian' (which means of or related to horseback riding), which stems from equus, the Latin word for 'horse'. More Equestrian states and cities include Hoofdon (the pony version of London where ponies speak in British accents, unlike the rest of Equestria), Canterlot (its capital where the alicorn sisters live) and Manehattan (a posh place where wannabe Prancers live).

All equines, with the exception of zebras, call themselves ponies in this world. In fact, if you call them horses, it's offensive. You want to know why? Because 'horse' is the equivalent of 'whore' in this world. So don't call a pony a horse! It's an insult to equines, but not to dragons or other creatures inhabiting this otherworldly Earth.

Let's move onto the subject of languages. Equestrian means English in their world, and Prench means French. In every pony-inhabited country, they have currency known as bits that still look like normal money. Also, Equestria is ruled by the alicorn sisters. The eldest mare is named Celestia and she is the Princess of the Sun. The youngest mare is called Selene, preferably Luna, and she is the Princess of the Moon. Together, they are the only beings on the whole planet who possess the unique ability to shift the Earth. Celestia does this with her magic to 'raise' the sun. Luna does the same thing with the moon.

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