Realizing That You Fell In Love.

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((If you guys can't see, I added a video. :) Just slide the picture up top to the left. I'll most likely be adding a video for each chapter. Thank you!))

Kiku looked around the busy conference room. The long, rectangular shaped table that all the nations shared was littered with papers and pens, and it made him sigh. He drums his fingers uneasily, his gaze once again scanning the space. Kiku suddenly perked up rather quickly, knowing that a certain blonde was missing in action.

He asks the nation nearest to him, a sleepy looking Greek. "Heracles-san, where is Alfred-san?" "Alfred?" Heracles opens his eyes, trying to pull out a decent answer from his sleep-trodden mind,"I . . . --" The sleepy nation was soon interrupted by a bang as the entrance of the margin slammed open, revealing a cheerful blonde man, his cyan blue eyes sparkling and his white grin flashing throughout the entire room. "Dudes! The Hero is here~!!" Alfred announced, making sure everyone had heard him. Kiku smiles to himself at this. A strict voice rings out, commanding attention.

"America! You are late! Vhere have you been? The meeting has started vithout you!" A certain German demands austerely. Kiku immediately recognized him as one of his close friends, Ludwig. "Dude, I was just grabbing a bite." Alfred explains, pulling an burger from his jacket, instantly chowing down. Ludwig sighed and shook his head, continuing on with the speeches and every other important detail. Meanwhile, Kiku had been silently laughing at the American's response, amazed that the blonde had not been fazed by the German's strict manner.

Alfred immediately slides into a seat near Kiku's, getting comfortable. Taking a deep breath, he glances over at the Japanese nation slowly. Kiku was staring intently at Ludwig, listening to the German's lecture soundlessly. Man, Alfred thought, He's adorable. Like a baby bunny. Alfred had been crushing on the Asian nation for some time now. The blonde watched the darker haired boy, slowly getting lost in the other's chocolate-brown eyes, not noticing a certain Brit who was trying to get his attention.

"Hello? Earth to Alfred?" Arthur prodded Alfred's arm relentlessly, hoping to win Alfred's awareness. The thick-browed blonde continued, mumbling to himself when he failed.

"Bloody git . . . "

The American continued to observe Kiku, not noticing when Ludwig had called out that the meeting had ended. All the other countries started to pack up and leave, including Kiku. Alfred was still stuck in his "day dream," when Francis interrupted.

"Alfred, monsieur, why're you staring at Kiku?"

It took Alfred a moment to comprehend that the French nation was speaking to him.

"E-Eh?! I-I was not!" Alfred was in self-denial. Francis chuckled softly, shaking his head. He knew that look. He twirled a golden hair around his finger, momentarily distracted. "Do you like him, Alfred?" The Frenchman asks cautiously, while using a polite and curious tone. Alfred inhales deeply, trying to figure out whether he should confess or not. Francis taps his fingers patiently, glancing around the nearly empty enclosure. Alfred exhales, still hesitating. He gives in. "I . . . I do." Francis raises an eyebrow, a slight smirk perched at the edges of his lips. "So monsieur has fallen in love~" The American's slightly alabaster cheeks glow with a pink color. "S-So what?!" The French nation chuckles again. "Why don't you tell him?" Alfred sighs softly. "I'm afraid of what his reaction will be. I think he still hasn't forgiven me for . . . .The incident." Francis frowns before understanding what the blonde was referring to. "Zhe bombing? I'm sure Kiku has long since forgiven you for zhat, Alfred." The American hesitates. "Y . . You think so?" The Frenchman nods. "I believe so."

After a moment of silence, the American weakly smiles. "Dude, thanks. That's just what I needed. I'll go tell him!" He hurries off in pursuit of the Japanese nation.

Authors Note: I'm so sorry I've been taking so long. I'm working on the 2nd part as of right now. Writer's block. Love you guys! It should be up within a day or two. <3

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