Chapter 15

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~Earlier that day~

It was early afternoon when Sora left Zephyr's office. Despite her exhaustion she was still exhilarated from the exciting romp around the haunted palace last night. The adrenalin hadn't worn off yet but she knew sometime later today she would probably crash and sleep for a week.

She smiled. I'll just deal with that when the time comes. Right now she was on her way to meet Jet in the library. An electrifying energy ran through her at the thought of meeting her friend. Jet just made everything better.

She had just left the cafeteria and was on the roofed walkway that led to the north-most building when, from the corner of her eyes, she saw a flash of white that made her heart stop. It had been a quick shimmer of ice-coloured scales that had disappeared behind a bush.

Imagines of Crane's limp body falling from the sky flashed in her mind followed by the grinning face of Icicle. The IceWing's sharp teeth sparkled as she met Sora's gaze and her eyes were wild with blood-lust.

Sora shuddered and quickly performed the visualization technique Zephyr had showed her to calm herself. She imagined herself sinking into a warm bath of mud. First she envisioned her talons stepping into the dirt, focused on the sound the mud made when squished and how it wrapped around her toes. She did this for the rest of her body until she reached her head. She released a sigh as her head became clear.

Icicle isn't here. That was just one of the other IceWings patients. You are safe.

When she had first arrived at the Healing Center Sora had nearly panicked every time she saw an IceWing but now she was finally becoming accustomed to seeing them around.

But this time something was off. A cold shill was rushing up and down her spine as it often did when danger was nearby. Acting on a hunch Sora carefully followed where she had seen the IceWing disappear.

It's probably not Icicle, I'm being silly! But...just to make sure....

The dragon had vanished behind a rosebush but had not gotten far. About four meters away from where Sora was hiding the IceWing was standing by a bed of tulips, sketching the vibrant flowers on a piece of parchment. Sora exhaled in relief. It wasn't Icicle.

After a few moments Sora finally did recognize the IceWing though. It was the IceWing that had fought with Flame. Sora remembered him being fierce and angry when she had first met him but now he seemed calm and tranquil. Silently he drew the flowers and watched with great interest when a bee landed on one.

Sora shook her head. I knew I was being silly. Jet's probably wondering where I am now, I should go before...

"Hey! You there! I require directions," A high-pitched haughty voice called out. Sora inhaled sharply and ducked into the bush she had been hiding behind. I know that voice! She realized with horror.

The sketching dragon must have recognized it too for he dropped his parchment in shock and whipped his body around. He immediately dove into a low bow. "Princes Icicle!" His astounded voice shook and the spectre of Sora's nightmares stepped in her vision.

Icicle looked as strong and dangerous as ever. She held her head up high and looked down at the bowing IceWing with contempt but when she spoke Sora couldn't hear a thing. Her heart was pounding so hard her ears were ringing.

One after another visions flashed before her eyes: Crane's death, Carnelian and Bigtail's burnt bodies, Tamarin lying unconscious in a bed, and finally the night when her and Umber had frantically run away. When the visions were done only one thought crossed her mind: She's here to kill me. She figured out where I was and came here to take revenge!

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