Del 3 - The boyfriend challenge

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Ok, så dette er en lashton. Hvor Luke utfordrer Ashton til å date ham i 30 dager - og det er egentlig bare en ganske teit konkurranse mellom dem, men de dater i 30 dager, og de ender opp med å forelske seg, selv om konkurransen sa at den første som forelsker seg taper, så de prøver å play it cool, men det går ikke så bra.
Og jeg liker ideen, men jeg vet ikke om jeg kommer til å fullføre den.
- Såga

Ashton gritted his teeth together. In less than four minutes, he'd gone from liking this class to hating it – despising it. First of all, his teacher, Mr. Johnson, had decided that they'd do a group project. Ashton hated group projects, mostly since he ended doing all the work. He was the so-called "nerd" of the class – seeing as he was an A-student, and everyone wished to be paired up with him. An easy A, they thought. Secondly, Mr. Johnson had decided that he'd decide the groups.

Meaning Ashton wouldn't be working with his friends – or people he tolerated. No, now he was at risk for having to work with some jerk. Worst-case scenario, he'd be stuck with some fucker he disliked. Third, he hadn't gotten some random partner, whom he didn't dislike as much, and would actually do his fair share of work. No! God or some other person hated him and chose the one human being he couldn't work with. The one and only Luke Hemmings.

The blonde haired male wouldn't be as bad, if there wasn't for one thing. He didn't bother to do any work. Ashton had, had the worst of groups where none of them did anything useful, and when they worked it was half-ass. However, every single one of the groups he'd be paired up with during his time in school had always done something. Luke did literally nothing. That little fucker had decided that teamwork was Ashton doing all the work while he was checking out the girls. Yeah, no!

"Luke," Ashton had a half-irritated tone to his voice, "I refuse to do all the work. Do your fair share." Ashton sighed when he got no reply, God he hated Luke with grave passion. "Luke," he tried once again, this time the blue-eyed male looked at him. They did have eye contact, but that didn't mean that Luke was interested at all. "You've to work as well," Ashton tried to be nice, he really did, however, it didn't work. Mainly because he had one fucktard of a partner.

"Hm," was the lovely reply Ashton received. For some reason it made Ashton's anger boil. Oh, for the love of God, why did this boy irritate him so fucking much? Ashton controlled his anger, he wanted to jump on Luke and strangle him to death, but instead of doing so, he took a deep breath. Not as satisfying, but more reasonable.

"Luke, I really don't care if you're into Megan or not. I don't care if you're checking out her ass in this moment. However, I do care that you haven't done one single thing on this project. You can do as little homework and work in school as you want – I don't care. It's not my grades. But this project – this stupid project – is a fucking group project. Which means that we have to work together. It also means that we'll get a grade together. If you're the reason for giving me bad grades, I do care. So start working," when Ashton finished he felt proud of himself. Well until Luke turned away and they were back to Ashton working and Luke doing nothing,

"What could you expect from the school's fuckboy anyway?" Ashton mumbled, not meaning for that thought to become words. He only hoped Luke didn't hear it, Luke had a bad temper. A temper he didn't wish to provoke. However, judging from the look on Luke's face he did hear it.

"Say that again, nerd?" he hissed. Ashton was so close to mumble nothing and continue his work. Pretend it didn't happen, just to stay out of trouble and please Luke. However, why was he giving this up just to please Luke? Why was he stepping down for Luke?
In that moment, Ashton realized he wasn't going to let this go. In that moment, Ashton committed one of worst mistakes of his entire life. Unluckily for the curly haired boy it would turn out he would do many mistakes in the future.

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