Chapter 1

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  "You have a new quest open." Theresa's voice rang out from the guild seal, Uhg yes finally Sparrow hadn't been on a quest in a while and she had honestly been itching for an adventure lately. Sparrow had been feeling a bit too adventure-hungry, it felt like she hadn't swung a sword or held a gun in ages when in reality it had only been a few months. "Alright what're the quest's details?" She asked Theresa through the guild seal eagerly. "Ghosts need help moving on in Wraithmarsh and will only do so if they are avenged and the one who wronged them is dead along with them." She explained "huh.." Sparrow commented seeming interested before Theresa continued to explain the details. "Also Wraithmarsh is a dangerous place it wouldn't be wise to go alone, I know last time you did but this is different so I suggest you bring another hero along with you. Preferable the hero of skill he knows his way around the marsh and would be a helpful ally on this quest." She suggested which was odd since both of them had a disdain for the perverted pirate. "Uhg, I would rather do this on my own I can find the ghosts by myself and I've dealt with banshees before." Sparrow groaned annoyed at the thought of having to deal with Reaver during a quest, the man was hard to tolerate even in there short time together during the Lucien incident so she couldn't imagine having to spend more than a week with him on this quest that would most likely take a bit of time to complete. "No, this mission can not be completed without the hero of skill by your side," Theresa told her this time more demanding which was odd for the usually calm speaking seer. "Fine I'll find Reaver then, but who knows where he is right now so it might take a bit." She mumbled out hoping that it would take so much time that Theresa would change her mind and perhaps send Garth or Hammer with her instead but that hope was demolished when Theresa spoke again. "The thief is in Bloodstone at the moment back from Samarksland for a drink and to indulge himself." Indulge my arse, Sparrow thought knowing that by indulge actually meant having his way with every woman there. "Use the cullis gate too fast travel there," Theresa added as her final remark on this task. Sparrow groaned once again, this was going to be utterly fantastic((sarcasm on that)) Bloodstone was vile and dirty it actually suited Reaver quite well when she thought about it since that town played by its own twisted set of rules just like Reaver did.
And after a bit of readying herself to deal with the man who at their first meeting tried to sending her to her doom, she headed off using the cullis gate to arrive just outside of Bloodstone. "Well, here I come mister smooth talker." She muttered and started into the town itself to check the pub which she arrived at quickly, and found the man she was looking for. He was seated at a table with a bottle of what looked like was 'The gangreen fairy' of course he would be drinking one of the strongest liquors in Albion and be surrounded by whores who were all laughing and saying how much they missed him when he was gone from Albion. "Disgusting," she thought to herself, she could just imagine how many diseases that this man had contracted before and it made her feel a little sick. But she pushed that thought away and focused on the quest instead and waltzed her way up there to tell him what do even if it tore him away from his whores. "Pardon me if I'm interrupting your play time with your umm...evening ladies...but there's a quest that Theresa oh so wants you to accompany me on." She said her hands on the table and her voice with slight disgust in it. Reaver just gave one his typical laughs like he found her demand funny. "I'd rather not, and these girls haven't seen me for such a long time." He said and motioned to the women who all nodded agreeing with Reaver, of course, clinging to him. "You have no choice in the matter, and if it was up to me I would have done this quest on my own but Theresa-" Reaver cut her off there when the blind seer's name mentioned to him. "I don't take orders from anyone who isn't pretty." He said and the girls on his sides giggled they didn't know this Theresa but they knew what kind of orders he took exactly. Sparrow rolled her eyes at this comment, she found Theresa pretty in her opinion but her standards weren't the same as his, she guessed. And she knew that Reaver was going to be difficult about this whole ordeal so she spun the gun she had pickpocketed off of the pirate when she had walked by him to slam her hands on the table, she saw his dark grey eyes widen a bit at the sight of his Dragonstomper.48 being held by someone else and quickly looked at his gun holster. (grey because we couldn't pick blue nor brown). "When did you?" Reaver said slightly surprised and mildly impressed. Sparrow smirked a little "You learn a few things when you're raised by gypsies". Reaver gave a frown not so happy about this and stood up now ignoring the ladies that had been fawning over him. "Give it back." He growled in a warning tone and stretched out his hand for her to give it back but she instead pocketed the gun. "I'll be sure to give it back after we complete the mission" sparrow said swaggering her way back out the door knowing that with his precious gun that he would follow her there was no doubt about that he acted as though this gun was his own child and had talked about it like he was so proud of it when they had escaped bloodstone together. So she continued walking and sure enough, the pirate did follow her jogging up to her. "Now 'hero' I don't think that it's a very nice thing to grab a man's pistol without consent first." He commented causing her to falter in her steps a little, great Avos this man had to turn everything into a euphemism, didn't he? "Bleeding hell Reaver." She mumbled and continued walking. "So anyway since I now have given you no other choice but to come with me I'll explain what this mission is about." Sparrow told him and then started to explain before the snarky man could get his input in. "Theresa explained to me that this mission is in Wraithmarsh and it deals with some vengeful ghosts that want me to find someone, I assume that they want me to kill that person but I'll probably find a way around that so that no one needs to be hurt." Sparrow explained to him. Reavers face contorted and he groaned slightly annoyed he hated Wraithmarsh. "How heroic of you not wanting anyone to die." He said in a voice that made it sound like he was mocking her for wanting to save a life. "What a surprise, Reaver not wanting to save lives" she mocked as well "Oh indeed my dear killing is just so much more fun though." Reaver chuckled darkly. "Well, I'd rather not be morally ambiguous and having people question whether I'm to be trusted or not." She told him as he followed her out of the town and past the dark trees lining the edge of Wraithmarsh, the sight of them made Reaver slightly uncomfortable after all Oakvale was part of that marsh and he had caused the demise of that town that he once called home. Sparrow noticed Reaver had spaced out a bit as they looked at the trees of Wraithmarsh, not normal for him so she waved a hand in front of his face to get his attention he gave her a grin and took her hand placing a kiss on it to make his spacing out seem more like he planned it. Sparrow was shocked and as much as she hated the man she still caught herself blushing from his antics. Sparrow coughed "hmm- yes well we should start heading" Reaver grinned but kept quiet until they reached the rotten wooden porch of the shack that bordered the entrance to Bloodstone from Wraithmarsh. "Disgusting you should have let me get different boots before dragging me into this muddy hell they call a marsh." He scoffed as the wood squelched beneath their feet. "Of course the only things you're concerned about is your appearance you rotten degenerate man!." Sparrow irked of course only Reaver laughed at Sparrows barefaced comment. "I wouldn't expect a woman with your tastes understand the annoyance of having to clean their clothing." He commented to her motioning to her clothes which had some dirt on them and her boots that had mud caked on them up to the ankles. "Maybe I just care about helping people more than how my clothing looks." She huffed and lead Reaver more through the marsh and onto a path that lead to the ruins of Oakvale. That made the immortal man pause a bit again. "Where exactly in Wraithmarsh are we going?" He asked her hesitantly and she shrugged "I'm just following my intuition on where we should go Theresa said you know your way around the marsh but I doubt you know where the quest is." Sparrow answered. "No, but i have a very bad feeling i do." He mumbled under his breath which Sparrow didn't catch, she did hear him mumble but she figured what he had mumbled was a snarky comment so she didn't ask what he had just said and they just continued walking before being stopped by a hoard of hollow men. "Great Avos."  

//Although Onica and I have like 19 pages of the story done already, its the real hassle to figure out how to cut them into chapters//

Ghost of Reavers Past- ReaverxSparrowWhere stories live. Discover now