Chapter 5

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  Carolyn shuddered a little this was what she got for trying to remember his face she guessed, the most traumatizing memory that involved Robin. "Robin was....a pretty man....I guess, I really don't wish to describe him through trying to only brings back things I wish to not remember. But if it will help this town be at peace I will try my best" she said looking if in the distance. Sparrow only nodded and sat down next to her. "Whenever you want to start then" Sparrow added to comfort Carolyn. Carolyn side and look back at Sparrow "It's a little fuzzy but i, of course, I can remember some details. He was a blacksmith and although he might not have been the brightest but his looks sure made up for it, those intensifying gray eyes really made a girl swoon, and as much as Robin was a huge flirt he never would two time me I know it." Carolyn sad expression faltered even more. "I just wish I knew what drove him to all this," Carolyn said holding herself a bit. Sparrow felt pity for this woman, the tragic things she had to go through where horrid. "Excuse me did you say intensifying grey eyes?" Sparrow asked and Carolyn nodded. Sparrow could only giggle a little and Carolyn raised her eyebrow "did I say something missy?" Carolyn asked. "Oh no,

sorry just those eyes remind of someone else I know" but then it dawned on Sparrow 'Pretty face and Grey eyes? Weird this person begins to sound more like Reaver every time someone tells me information.. no it couldn't be though, she said he was dull and wouldn't hit on other women that's not Reaver' Sparrow thought. "Oh, I see" Carolyn breathed out a little. "Is there any other information that would be useful?" Sparrow asked and Carolyn thought even harder "He was a hero although at first, he didn't know that himself... my brother figured it out when he was teaching how to use a crossbow, Robin never missed a shot and he instantly fell in love with it, only heroes never miss you know...well I'm sure you know you are one." Carolyn explained with a tiny laugh though it seemed rather forced. Sparrow nodded her head wondering why they didn't tell Robin if they knew about his hero blood after all Sparrow wasn't aware of the guild of hero hunters or as they were more well known as HH. "Hmm so did he ever learn to use magic? I assume he learned about his blood eventually." Sparrow said and the woman thought for a second. "I think he did use it once on accident...yes, I remember Benji telling me about it. He told me that Robin had shot a lightning bolt from his hand when he had put his hands up in self-defense when a wood nymph tried to attack them." Carolyn said nodding slightly, confusing Sparrow a bit about the wood nymph being mentioned since Sparrow was too young to know about wood nymphs, they had gone extinct long before her time though she remembered them being mentioned in stories from Theresa. "Huh? So that's when he figured out that he was a hero correct?" Sparrow asked and Carolyn laughed a little. "Oh boy my husband was a slow one it took him a week before that finally clicked with him, but that was okay, he didn't need to be smart or witty he was sweet and pretty." Carolyn laughed remembering how her husband had been so clueless about everything but he had been good-hearted and very pleasant to look at. "Wow you said he was dull but how did it not click him?" Sparrow said seeming a bit blown away by the fact that it didn't click with Robin that he was a hero even though he used magic with no training what so ever. "Well you see back in our time's heroes weren't something people liked to talk about and when they did it was bad, Robin had never really thought about heroes all that much...even though Benji was part of the revolution to rid Albion of them. I was thankful when Benji said he wouldn't report Robin to the head because I loved him and he knew that I would be broken if Robin was killed and then his entire existence was covered up and his name faded away." Sparrow felt horrible for Carolyn after all everyone did to protect Robin he sent them to their doom. Sparrow couldn't understand why someone who seemed so amazing in the past could do such a terrible thing. "If you don't mind me asking, why do you think Robin sold you all to the shadow court in the first place?" Sparrow asked. Carolyn looked like she was in thought for a bit her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to think of why he would do such a thing, that question had crossed her mind many times before but she could never find an answer that made sense to her knowing Robin so well. "I've thought about it a lot over these years, I'm not sure the real reason why he would do this. The village consensus though is that he was selfish and not the man we thought he was but personally I believe he had a different motive, when I last saw him after all he looked like he was regretting what he had done and it looked like he shattered right before the darkness closed in over my eyes." Carolyn explained not seeming so happy to be back on the darker parts of the situation but she knew it was necessary. "If it isn't too much trouble, before you complete the mission and bring Robin here to his death can you talk to him and tell me his reasons, I want to know why he killed us all." She said and looked at Sparrow with pleading eyes, she needed to know. Sparrow nodded her head, her pity for this woman causing her to take on the extra task. "Of course, you deserve to know." She said to the woman who gave her a thankful look in return. "Thank you." Carolyn said gratefully before the topic somehow switched on the two women and they continued on a conversation.

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