Autumn leaves

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The next day was Saturday so I get up and see what Tyson was doing. I started down the hall to our living room when I heard crying coming from the living room. It was Tyson I peaked behind the corner he was talking to himself which he only did when sad or mad which was rare.
"You fucker, you just stood there a real man would of knocked her dad out and called someone its all my fault that she's probably locked in her room today. I knew something was going to happen the moment I talk to her on the phone." He started to break down in tears I'd never seen before not from him.
"Your so dumb she'd be better of with a guy who could protect her." I walked around the corner.
"Hey ok?"
"No! Dose it look like I'm fucking ok!"
"I-I'm sorry man I didn't mean to be mean I just am on edge I'll be fine." He said.
"Fine, that's what everyone says when there screaming HELP ME, HELP ME, HELP ME over and over until they can't take it. Just relax I know it's hard to sit by while someone you know could be getting hurt but sometimes it's for the best to do nothing." I picked my camera up of the island.
"I'm going to go to town and take pictures, I'll be back soon."
I went to the park I thought it would be nice for pictures. I love photography my brother used to do that before he died he was an amazing photographer.
I then saw and amazing flower the reminder me to much of Lizzie's hair not to take a picture.
"You like the flowers huh?" It was the guy from the café Kai.
"Yeah I think there beautiful they match my friends hair color."
"Oh that barista?"
"Yeah Lizzie's her name."
" enjoy taking pictures, my mom used to like doing that when she was younger."
"My brother enjoyed doing this. This is his camera."
"Oh...I see, I enjoy video games and things like that myself." Kai said as we walked down the path.
"I love video games as well! I play with my friends all the time."
"Really we should play together sometime."
"I'd like that." He blushed.
"Shall we sit."
"Sure." We said there I played with my camera for a minute.
My hand was on the bench when he grabbed it I blushed and looked at him stunned.
"I...Uh...I'm sorry." Kai said then blushing.
"It's ok! I mean I don't care."
"Oh, Cool."
"So...your friends what are they like." He asked me.
"Well My friends are, Tyson he's my roommate and best friend. His girlfriend Lilly she's super nice she's a dancer and Lizzie, of course, the barista she likes video games to that's actually how I met her. There pretty amazing."
"Sound wonderful. Your different today then when I met you in the Café something bugging you." He brushed his hair long black hair out of his green emerald eyes.
"My friends...we've been having a hard time I guess..."
"I see...I'm sorry about that." We sat there for a minute the wind blew and the autumn trees where wonderful he was still holding my hand I looked at him he was so much taller then me even sitting down he looked back smirked and winked at me.
"Your cute you know that." He said.
"I...I've heard it only once before..." I said blushing.
"Well whoever said it then was right."
"You know where I live right?"
"Sure I could text you and figure out."
"We should hangout then." I said to him.
"I'd like that."
(The picture Jun took)

" (The picture Jun took)

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