Moving day

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It's February and we are starting to move stuff from Kai's house to mine we where in Tyson's truck we borrowed it because it had more room to haul things.
"Are you excited babe?" Kai said grabbing my hand while he was driving.
"You have no idea how lonely it's been without someone there I'm so excited I've never had to live alone so it was rough living alone."
"I never really lived alone I guess I always had Mulan and Flash." I looked at them in the back seat. Kai has two pugs they were the cutest things ever besides him.
"I mean I had Sonic but he's not as much company as the pugs are I'm sure." Mulan then jumped up onto my lap Flash was asleep. Mulan liked me the most because whenever I came over to Kai's house before I always smelt like tacos from my moms house as I usually went to the coffee shop my moms then Kai's house.
"Anyway you've seen the place before but you've never seen it when it's our place!" I said putting Mulan on the couch and Kai put Flash on the ground. We spent most of the day bringing boxes in the house then we both flopped on the couch with the pugs at the end of the day.
"You has more stuff then I thought!"
"It could have been worse you could have been moving." He said with a smirk as he put his arm around me.
"Hey! I don't have that much shit it's manly clothes and shoes and lots of shoes." We both laughed.Then there was a silence.
"We live together now is that not insane?" He asked petting Flash.
"Yeah I'm glad though I will get to see you all the time."
"I still have a job babe."
"Just on the weekends right?"
"And Friday's but besides that I only work those nights so it's really nothing."
"What do you do anyway?" I asked. I got up and lit a cigarette in the kitchen.
"Babe, come on you know what I do."
"No you never told me I asked and you said it wasn't really that big of a job. What do you do then?"
"I Uh it's nothing."
"Babe, you know I won't care I'd just like to know where my boyfriend goes on the weekends."
"Yeah." For him being the bigger one in the relationship I never see him blush it was cute.
"Your a stripper?"
"If you don't like it I can quite!"
"Babe I don't care you can do whatever you want at least you have a job." I said.
"O...oh well that's nice I was afraid you would think less of me. So what do you do?"
"I don't really work, but I do cover art for my friends albums I'm a bit of and artist and songwriter I didn't want to be tied down to a job for a long time." I said putting my cigarette in the ash tray.
"Here are a few I've done, for my friend Young Diamond." (I made this btw if you look it up you won't find it so props to me!)

" (I made this btw if you look it up you won't find it so props to me!)

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"Wow that's really good babe."
"Thanks." I try to kiss him but he is to fall curse being short.
"What are you doing?"
"Trying to kiss you but your to tall!!!!" He picks me up and kisses me.
"Yeah~" I'm so happy that I'm with him.

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