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When Deku arrived at his home, the first thing he did was crash onto his bed. 

He. Was. Exhausted.

It had been a tough first day at U.A. And it was only going to get more difficult from there. So he had to train vigorously and rest easy. 

Fastforward 1 hour 30 minutes

Deku had just awoke from a nap. He didn't wake up suddenly. In fact, he had such a peaceful sleep that he even woke up peacefully. 

Eventually, Deku gradually managed to get his lazy self out of bed and make his way downstairs to phone All Might to inform him of his results.

Deku wasn't aware that All Might had been watching the whole time so he felt it was necessary to tell him that he managed to survive yet another day of heavy training and succeed at least one test.

"Hey! It's me, Izuku! Just thought I'd tell you about my first day at U.A!" He said cheerfully

"Oh, Izuku, hello! Wasn't expecting a call from you at all today. How've you been?"

"I've been okay. Anyway, I've got a lot to talk about. Many things have happened today. Should I start from the beginning or just get to the interesting part?" Deku asked

"You can start from the beginning, I don't mind." All Might said kindly

"Okay, so firstly what happened is that I got to my class. And I spent a little time looking, trying to find it as U.A. is a massive building. A lot bigger than I thought it would be. Anyway! I eventually found the class I was looking for: Class 1-A and when I first opened the door I was so disappointed as two of the people I wanted to be in my class the least were right in front of me, arguing and shouting at each other over seats or something. I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention. But they both noticed me and let's just say that Kacchan wasn't very pleased to say the least. Iida was alright though. He was nicer than when I first met him. Well, I say "met", really it was just when he embarrassed me in front of the whole–"

"Okay, okay Izuku. Are you going to get to the point or am I going to have to listen to your everlasting story of how Iida showed you up. I haven't got all day and I've got very important work to do, so please, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, hurry up!" All Might pleads

"Oh yeah right! Sorry! I'm blabbering on a bit. It's just because I've got so much to tell you! :) Anyway, so even though I was disappointed about having them in my class, I was elated to find out that I also had "the nice person" who I lated found out her name is "Ochaco Uraraka" was also in my class. So that was great! Then I found out who my teacher was. And it was weird because.. urm.. he was lying on the floor.. In a.. err.. sleeping bag. So um yeah, that was weird! He turned out to be our homeroom teacher, called Mr. Aizawa and he seemed really drained and had a really dull and boring voice, almost like he didn't want to be here and wanted to die and vanish from existence, which is completely like not true at all because this is U.A. and EVERYONE wants to be here!"

"Uh huh.." is all All Might has for a response. He appreciated that Deku was excited, but the boredom of his constant yapping was all too much. If Deku went on for more than another 5 minutes then All Might promised himself he would hang up. Harsh I know but this is All Might we're talking about. They guy's got stuff to do. He's a very busy man.

"So then Mr. Aizawa told us that we had a Quirk assessment test. And everyone was freaking including me because he said that last place would be expelled and I had been using my Quirk all night last night, which was a very stupid move on my behalf and I have now promised myself that I won't be making that mistake ever again. So I failed most of the tests as my Quirk had not been restored yet, but then on the ball throw thingy, as I did my first throw, and I could feel the power of my Quirk, which meant that it had finally restored, Mr. Aizawa erased my Quirk!! How could he?? And he started telling me things like, "You will never become a hero." And stuff like that. The nerve! Anyway, he gave me my Quirk back and let me have another throw. So I did and I turned into a bear and got like like a million metres or something like that (obviously this is an exaggeration, in reality he didn't even get a hundred) and I was super proud of myself and glad that I had at least got a good result on ONE of the tests. And then the results came out and everyone was so nervous about what they got. I was 12th on the list which I'm happy about. Then we were all dismissed and as I was walking, on my way home, Iida and Uraraka came up to me and were friendly as heck! Turns out Iida isn't as scary as I originally thought he was!" 

All Might chuckles on the other end of the phone.

"Which was good, and I was happy that I had company on my way back from a long, jam-packed day." Deku continues. "Then I came home, had a nap and woke up just in time to call you All Might! So what do you think about all this?"

"I think it's been a very long day for you Izuku. And you deserve to have some rest now. So I'll speak to you soon. Have a good day!" All Might says 

"Okay All Might! You too!" Deku says before hanging up

Suddenly his mum bursts through the front door with an excited look on her face!

"Ah! Mom! You scared me!" Deku says, startled. "But welcome back!"

"Oh, I'm sorry Izuku, but I got you something which I hope you'll like!" Deku's mom says before reaching into her bag to pull out a green hero suit!!

"Congrats on getting into U.A.!" She cheers, "I might have jumped to conclusions, though."

"A jumpsuit?" Deku exclaims

"It's not much as it is now though, though." His mom replies, "When you dozed off while studying, I happened to see your notebook."

"What?" Is all Deku can say as he is in complete awe.

"I admire your determination to achieve your dreams and goals in life. And so I though that if I got you what you described in your notebook, it would be like a reward for working so hard! Consider it as my gift to you. Never stop believing in your dreams Izuku. You can do it, you CAN become a hero!" Deku's mom cheers with her eyes getting blurry from tears as she passes the jumpsuit over to Deku.

As Deku holds the suit in his hands, he stares at it in complete admiration. It may be simple. But it came from his mother's heart. And that's all that matters. Deku was going to make her proud. That was for sure. 

'These are my mother's feelings. What'll I wear if not this! Even if it's not the most convenient or state-of -the-art, it's fine.' 

'This is my costume!'


Sup, you are you all? Sorry this chapter has been more talking than doing but I promise there will be a lot more action in the next chapter so stay tuned for that! As for the lengths? Well, I've been trying to update my books more or less everyday so that's why my chapters are not as long or seem like they're getting shorter. But I hope it's alright. Peace!

Also, should I create a new book just for BNHA one-shots? Should I start writing them, or nah? I imagine that I would include a lot of cute little stories with Deku as a kid transforming into cute animals to impress the girls and his friends. Also other stuff. What do you guys think? Comment your opinions. Ciao! :)

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