Chapter 2| Horse land

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Montanna's POV

"Where are we going?" I asked the man who just recently captured me and is now flying a car.

"Horse land" he replied and looked through the rear view mirror to me.

"Horse land?" I said confusingly

"Yeah, you know a place where there are heaps of horses and unicorns and stuff." He briefly explained to me.
He took his hands off the steering wheel and laid back, the car started to go upwards and forwards.

I could see a massive purple cloud that floated around in the sky, it looked really sparkly too. The car kept flying forwards, when we flew into the cloud.
It was really hard to see, all I could see where the closest things to me. I put my hand out to feel what was in front of me, but all I could feel was the back of the cars driver seat.

Soon enough, we stopped in one spot and the car just hovered in the air. The cloudiness was starting to clear up and I could see normally again.
The man opened the door, got out of the truck and walked around on the cloud.
"Come on! Lets go!" He yelled out to me.

I opened the car door and stepped out of the truck. Weirdly enough, I could actually walk on the purple cloud.
I made my way over to the entrance where that guy was standing and he opened the golden doors.

3rd person

Montanna walked into the doors, where she entered horse land. It was an amazing, colourful place filled with horses, unicorns, foals and pegasus and of course, rainbows. Horses roamed around in patches of grass and around waterfalls, none of the horses were kept in stables.

"Hey buddy!" The driver walked up to another man and hugged him. He stepped back from the quick hug and then grabbed out a magic machete and stabbed the other guy in the chest. The machete plunged through him and made a squelching sound as it made its way through his body.
Blue, watery blood spilled out of the mans wound on his back and chest as the driver pulled out the machete.

Montanna covered her eyes and stepped back.
The man coughed a few times and then groaned. He didn't fall, instead his back arched and started to levitate.
Montanna looked around to see if something magical like a unicorn was doing this, but she couldn't see anything close by.

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