Chapter 3| Sickening

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The man stopped levitating and his wound disappeared, and so did the blue blood.

"WHAT THE FRICK?" Montanna yelled out.
"Why can't I say frick?" Montanna asked.

"This is a no swearing zone, and a regenerative zone. Nobody can die here, and nobody can use profanity here." The man that was just recently stabbed explained to Montanna.

Montanna's POV

"By the way, my name is Buddy and this is Calvin" Buddy said to me and shook my hand. "You must be Haley." Buddy said to me and grinned.

"Actually, my name is Montanna..." I said to him.

"Oh, i'm so sorry!" He replied and started to walk away like he didn't care about it.

There were waterfalls everywhere, nearly every corner I turned I would see a waterfall and some beautiful pastel willow tree next to it. Nearly everything looked the same here.

"Ok enough walking around, you get the jig." Buddy said blandly and threw some magic dust into one of the waterfalls pools. He jumped in and so did Calvin.
"Well.. you only live once." I muttered to myself and jumped in.
For a second or too everything looked extremely weird, everything was black and white and it looked like everything was melting. Then suddenly I was in the middle of a hut, that had black carpeted floors.

"Welcome to horsey hut." A robotic woman said to me.
"Hi..." I replied "Thanks?"

"How can I help you?" The robot asked and looked straight over the top of my head.

"Why the fudge cake am I here, and where are the horses?" I asked her and eyed her up and down. For some reason she was wearing human clothing instead of a piece of metal or something robots would wear in movies and cartoons.

She stopped for a second and said "eeee-ror" really quickly. 
"The horses are all around you, just check outside." But there were only a few, and they looked terribly sick.

I didn't bother saying thank you to the robot, because she obviously had no feelings anyway. She was just there to help visitors and people that live in horse land. I walked outside the hut and stepped down the oak wood stairs.
I walked across the dewy green grass, that looked like it had been dyed by something fake and walked up to a horse. The horse chewed on something blue and it looked at me with sick puppy eyes. It looked like the horse needed help.
I reached out my hand to touch it's flank but it flinched and dropped the blue thing out of its mouth. It took a step back and kicked its hind legs, even though there was nothing behind the horse.

I looked at the horse in confusion, why was it like this? I walked around the horse to look back into its eyes as it just stood there. Its expression was blank, and its eyes had turned white all of the sudden.

"That blue thing is the medicine were using for them." Buddy came up behind me, he had a hat on now and a butterfly net.
"They just chew on it and it keeps them sane." Buddy sighed and picked up the blue rocky thing. He held it out in his hand close to the horses mouth, but it didn't take it from Buddy.

Buddy forced the blue thing into the horses mouth, and as soon as it was in there it started to chew. It looked better than before, but still sick.

"I have things to do, you can go for a walk if you want to or you can stay at the hut." Buddy said to me and slung a bag over his shoulder.
I didn't need to reply, because he probably wouldn't care if I did or not anyway. Buddy walked off in the direction of a yellow brick road that lead into a green forest filled with weird things.

Calvin's POV

Okay, hopefully this will all go well. I walked up to Samantha, she was sitting at her desk while typing on her laptop. The glass of water that was on her desk shook every time she would type because she was practically slamming the keyboard.
"Go talk to Jesse if you need any help with something." Samantha announced and continued to slam the poor laptop's keyboard.

"Hi how may I help you?" Jesse rolled into the office. I flicked my hand to get Jesse to go away, but she didn't move so I pushed her back out of the office and shut the door.
"I've got the girl" I proudly said and put my hands on my hips.

"Good, now just let her do her thing and don't try to stop her." Samantha flipped her glasses on top of her head and looked at me.
"Aye aye Captain." I replied and smirked at her.

"Don't call me Captain." Samantha said, put her glasses back on and hit 'Enter' on her keyboard.

Montanna's POV

Where the hell am I? I was walking around in some wacky green field that was full of horse feed and scarecrows. I walked over to a blackberry bush and peered in. There was a little blue thing that one of horses must of dropped in there. A few dapple greys stood by just chewing on their medicine and looking off into the distance, doing absolutely nothing at all besides chewing.
I walked past the horses and followed a dirt path through a few vibrantly red plants. The plants moved and it sounded like they were chatting with each other, they made little high pitched squeaky sounds to each other.

I kept walking through the field when suddenly I came to a halt in front of some spooky, tall trees. I looked upwards and all I could see was the clear blue sky and the white sun. I walked into the forest and I could hear crickets chirping and frogs making their usual sounds. I didn't think that there would actually be frogs and insects in Horse Land, usually i'd only see horses around.
It sounded like something was whispering to me, I felt a shiver crawl up my spine when I took my first step in between the 2 tall trees that lead into the forest.

Ik this is a really boring chapter, but it gets better, I promise you lol

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