chapter 5

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"Shit shit shit " the pink haired male mentally cursed muttering numerous of profanities under his breath and trying his best not to collide or bump into something or someone

The meeting was suppose to end in 2 hours and with Natsu inclined to finish it as soon as possible the meeting ended in just an hour but then Jenny popped out this awesome idea that she and Natsu should have a lunch date .

It took every ounce of his self control not to let out his rage upon her .
He was supposed to be at the school for Lina but damn his father for making him attend this meeting and damm Jenny for even liking him

Yes he was fully aware of the fact that Jenny had a little of infatuation for him . He wasn't as dense as people think he is ..

Their little lunch date was completely filled with the moments where Jenny would show off her curves her slender legs making him get the idea .If another man would have been there he would follow Jenny to her bed like a lost puppy but for him Jenny's antics only made him mentally puke .After lisanna no women ever charmed him yes , he would attend those dates that the girls arranged for him but other than dinner nothing ever happened between him and his date
if it wasn't him .
Then currently jenny would be having the time of her life
And a thought of his daughter and him being 2 hours late crossed his mind causing him to stop whatever he was thinking till now

"Lina is going to kill me ,teacher didn't left her alone in the waiting room "
At the school
"No Lina ",
"But sensei"
"No I can't let you go alone "
"But I'm getting bored here sensei "
"Is that so let me help you then "
Lucy searched her drawer as she found what she was looking for
"here Lina take this ",
"What is it sensei "
"Its a quiz book for kids fill this out for me will you "
Lucy sighed after Lina took the book and sat back on her desk .Her dad was 2 hours late 2 freaking hour can somebody believe this .and as time was passing Lina was getting restless
.Lucy knew that Lina's father is a famous CEO of dragneel co.
But this was too much even if he was busy he could have sent his wife
It is Saturday for God sake and with Christmas coming it was getting cold she was supposed to be at home having a black coffee and her favorite cookies but no this man has to be late not by 15 or twenty minutes but by 2 hours .
"Calm down Lucy its not like he did this on purpose " she mentally chastised herself
**Ara ara now our protagonist need to meet each other **
"Finally I arrived here " Natsu exasperated sigh as he fixed himself to meet Lina's teacher
He postulated that Lina's teacher would be around her 30's or 40's maybe but still he wanted to be presentable in front of her
Natsu walked through the corridor finally reaching the kindergarten area .
Thanks to the guys for sending him direction to his daughter class the last thing he wanted for today was getting a scolding from Gramps or Laxus .
Finally reaching upon the class gate he opened it .
Still nobody POV

Natsu opened the door nervously he was fully confident that after being late for 2 hours nobody will be there to meet him but what
Surprised him was that his daughter was filling out some kind of book in the classroom
And what surprised him even more that the teacher he concluded to be in her late 30's miraculously turned out to be younger maybe even younger than him.

Her. Blonde here making an effect of a beautiful golden halo above her head .
And God she looked up maybe she sensed that someone was looking at her .
Natsu can swear that when she looked into his eyes with those mesmerizing brown orbs of her ,His breath stopped those brown eyes captured his soul caging him in an unknown prison that he can't even name .
"Ah you must be Mr.Dragneel ,Welcome to Fairy tail academy "
He didn't know why but when he heard her angelic voice he tired to imagine how "welcome home honey "will sound
Maybe just maybe he thought that she was the woman he had been searching for the past five years
And he truly hoped that this thought of his to become true .
"Ah yes" .
"Lina chan look your father came "
She called out to his daughter and boy her eyes spoke and concluded the only message "Dad you are in so much trouble " as he stiffened
The teacher  might have sensed his

iscomfort and called out to lina
"now now lina don't look at you father like that he ,he didn't did this on purpose ,no father want to be late on their kids first parents meeting "
She is an angel Natsu mentally screamed .
Lucy started reading a book when she realized that lina father wasn't arriving anytime soon .
She finished 17 pages of the book when  she suddenly felt that someone was looking at her .
She looked up her eyes locking with  onyx one's
She stood up and took in his appearance he was dressed up in formal business suit tanned skin sweat drizzling on his forehead
She didn't expected him to look this young yes she saw Gray and the others but he was different then them  .
"Ah you must me Mr dragneel " Lucy greeted snapping out of reverie the last thing she wanted him to think that a teacher was checking out her students dad
"ah yes "
Even his voice is perfect nor too muscular nor too deep but yet it was perfect .
"Please sit down "
"Yes "
"My name is Lucy  "
" yes  I know about you Mrs Lucy
My daughter talks about you a lot "
"I see but Mr dragneel its miss not Mrs"
"Oh I'm sorry "
"No its fine "
"And I'm really sorry I'm two hours late " .
"No it's perfectly fine I assume that you and your wife were busy "
"Ah yes I was but not my wife "
Lucy opened her mouth to speak but he continued " I am a single parent "
"Oh I'm so sorry "
"It's fine "
"Umm yeah so Lina is a really smart kid "
"All thanks to her mother "
"Okay I'm sorry "
Lucy let out a soft chuckle at the scene in front of her
"Ah yes so as I was saying " she continued " I don't have a complain about her behaviour tell her not to fight with silver kun"
"Silver you mean Gray's son"
"Yeah him",
"Way to go Lina I hope you beat him to pulp"
Lucy mouth hang open and Lina covered her face with her little hands ashamed of her father childish behavior
"Mr. Dragneel you should not appreciate this kind of behaviour "
"I--i am sorry I shouldn't have snapped at you like that "
Natsu looked at her his hand cupping his chin as he blurted out
"You are really weird "
Lina shook her head she knew that her dad behavior gonna get  her kicked out  .
"Ah nothing just forget that I said that "
"Okay " Lucy replied unsure of what to answer its not like every day a pink haired man comes and call her weird
"Well that will be all Mr dragneel "
"Oh okay " he stood up taking Lina hand he walked out
Lucy grabbed her things and locked
the door .
She saw that he was standing out waiting for her
"Is there something you want Mr dragneel ?"
"Ah yes miss Lucy please call me Natsu "
With that he walked away

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