chapter 10

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" Natsu hurry up or you will be late for the party "
"Coming mom"
"What hell is he doing its been two hours since he started getting ready "
"Cut him some slack Igneel he is just a kid "
"He is a father Grandine !"
"But he is still a baby boy to me "
"Is dad ready yet ?"
A sweet voice chimed in making Igneel to shut up
"No honey your father is still working on it "
"What! He is there for like two hours "
"That's what,I said ;"
"Igneel "
"Hey I'm ready now "
A pink head came bobbling down clad in black jeans , white buttoned down shirt nearly tucked in , a black jacket to follow up the entire attire .,
"Umm Mom how am I looking ?"
"Oh my Natsu you really out did yourself !"
"Really ?"
"Yes "
"Thanks mom" a grin spread all over his handsome face
"Let's go kiddo "
He took his daughter hand as they headed for the Dreyer's family restaurant Fairy tail .
"What is this smell?"
"Its called Cologne Igneel "
"I know that "
"Why did you asked then?"
"Because I didn't used it neither did you ?"
"Yeah Natsu did "
"He did whatTtttt?". Igneel voice choked as he tired to fit these two things together Natsu worried about his looks , his smell the hell ?
"What's so surprising ?"
"He - he never focuses on his looks "
"Yeah ? "
"So why will he do it today ?"
"Oh Igneel you are so dense I'm sure Natsu got his denseness from you "
" huh?"
"Its a girl Igneel "
"A girl?"
Igneel expression was horrified the last time his son went for a woman he knocked her up  
And the last thing he want is no daughter in law but a new grand daughter or son .
"Yes a girl and he must really like her as he dolled up himself so much for her "
"I just hope he uses precaution "
"What the hell Igneel"
At Fairy tail
Natsu entered the restaurant as Lina ran to where her friends were he frowned when he could not find his favorite blonde haired teacher
She wasn't here .

"Oh hey Natsu " a hand patted on his shoulder .
"Oh hi to you too Lisanna "
He grinned back at her
"So where is she ?"
"Huh Natsu already hunting ?"
Her voiced filled with teasing
"Don't make me sound like a play boy lis !"
"Ah I'm sorry Natsu "
"So is she coming ?". .
"Yes she isn't here but don't worry she will be here "
"Okay let me meet up with the boys "
"Okay "
He walked when he finally notice a shirtless man sitting in the corner of a table .Natsu chuckled it was freezing and his best friend/enemy sat there not worried the slightest that he will caught a cold .
"Old habit never dies huh stripper ?"
"Where's your shirt?"
"Oh shit ,I swear I was wearing it just now "
As Gray searched for his shirt ,Natsu's eyes never left the front door the last thing he wants was Lucy bailing on this Christmas party .
"Waiting for someone huh flame breath?"
"Like hell I would wait for someone !"
Gray snorted he knew there was no was Natsu will ever admit his crush to him .
"Yeah I heard from lisanna "
"What?" A hot blush crept on his face he knew it he knew he shouldn't have  trusted Lisanna  .
"Just remember this Natsu you made Lucy cry and you won't ever see the sunrise ever again "
"Don't huh me Natsu we all want you to be happy , you are an idiot no doubt about it . But we want you to have your share of happiness "
"Umm "
"Just say thank you Natsu "
"Shut up "
"Shit I'm late " Lucy cried out she walked as fast as she could , She took two hours to choose for the right dress and even she had no idea why she did that a pink haired handsome father face popped up in her mind
"No Lucy this is inappropriate " she chastised herself ever since she met Natsu he keeps popping in and out of her mind .
"Finally i reached here " she stood in front of the restaurant it wasn't big nor it looked luxurious but it screamed of warmth and sincerity .
She opened the door , as she took her first step inside, she collided into a broad chest .His scent was sweet but a slight ting of spicy smell covered his body ,
Sweet and something spicy?
Suddenly pieces fit started to fit together "Mr dragneel" she suddenly whispered shouted
"Yup that's me " .
She lifted her head up to meet his gaze he was smiling his brightest smile .
For some unknown reason she felt a slight curve to her lips too as she started to smile back at him
"Ah so rude of me " she took a step back as she bowed a little to him " nice to meet you dragneel San "
He couldn't help but feel disappointed when she took a step back from him . He was too happy when she collided into him her frame fitting perfectly within his embrace
He was disappointed at the fact too that she called him by his last name too
This needs to change . she is mine after all
Patience Natsu Patience he mentally reminded himself there is no way he will make hasty decisions now .
"Ah miss Lucy I recall giving you the permission to call me Natsu "
"Ah yes you did Mr drag-"
"Uh huh" he cut her off her sentence
"Natsu miss Lucy call me Natsu "
His voice a little too husky ,he loved it when a hot blush spread on her face .
She is so cute ./.
"Na-natsu San?"
"No Lucy just Natsu "
"Umm Natsu "
"Perfecto Luce "
"Your nickname I was waiting for like forever , to use this I waited for you to come on first name basis so that I can use it "
He grinned at her again and thank to heaven he was rewarded with another blushing face .
A beautiful blush
"Stop it Lucy this is a parent of your student "
"But who says you can't fantasize about a student father especially if he an  Adonis"/

"Shut up brain"
She again chastised herself
"Shall we go ?" He asked a numerous emotions playing in his eyes happiness was one of them she can identify but the rest remained a mystery .She was good at reading people but Natsu was different no matter how hard she tried he always nullified her theory .
She was lost in her thoughts when he clasped her hand inside his .
A perfect fit he wasn't to big nor to small he was just perfect for her like he was created for her
And for once she was happy with the thought of him being "hers " .

You are in love " her mind whispered

"Yes I'm in love with my students father "
She gripped his hand back as reality finally dawned on her .
He must have felt her gripping his hand , as he turned his head in her direction with a surprise look which was then replaced by his grin and happiness
And once again she felt herself grinning back at him

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