chapter 21

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Natsu stormed past every emoloyee of his .
Yes he was the one who layed back every time .
But now he won't let go of anyone who attacked his or Lucy.
As soon as he closed his office door and sat on his chair Gray barged in
The others following his suite
"The hell flamebrain what do you mean breaking every relationship with RELIGHT industries didn't your father stopped you or something...he will be so mad at you "
"Igneel is the one who suggested this to me Gray "
A gasp was heard as soon as Natsu spoke those words everyone knew how important the deal with Relighr Corps. Were and here Igneel broke it of just like that
The particular deak that he worked so hard for he just allowed it to let it go
"That's a lie! Natsu Mr .Dragneel won't let go of this deal we all worked so hard for it "
" I never lie Gray " the serious tone Natsu used was enough to make them realize he wasn't lying .
"But why... why would he cancel it ?"
"We can't allow the Heartfilia corps. To be disrespected for someone who just came along with us..they helped us when we had nothing Gray and Igneel is forever grateful to Jude heartfilia for this we can't let the RELIGHT CORPS to degrade their reputation "
With his explanations finished everyone came to realize that he was right the Dragneel Corps was helped by the Heartfilia's when they were on verge of bankruptcy.
Igneel was always inclined on protecting them even if it meant to sell his industries for the sake of Heartfilia. And it was stupid of them to believe that he would sit back and watch the only daughter of Jude to be disrespected .
"Yes Natsu " the blue haired man came in front
"I want you to investigate the IP address of the computer from where our images were viral ... as soon as you find about it report it to me "
" as you say Natsu "
Jellal turned back as he left the office to hunt those people yes It was right for Natsu to be angry but every one was angry about it For the love of God he and the others considered Lucy as their sister
And to watch their sister to be called such deframing names that they never even imagined to exist made their blood boiled .
Back to Natsu's office
"I want you and Erza to keep an eye on Jenny and the RELIGHT corps they aren't going to sit back and watch
Make sure to watch their each step and be ready to attack back we need that"
"You got it Natsu"
"Leave it to us flamebrain "
Both Erza and Gray left the office mentally prepared to face every dirty tricks pulled off by the relights .
"Don't worry I will make sure to find each and every information nmabout them no matter how hidden it will be "
"How did you?"
" shrimp already told me to get my ass work
Or else she is going to kill me "
Natsu let out a chuckle as Gajeel left his office.
"Relight corps .huh ? Wait for me I'm coming for you "
Lucy wasn't surprised at all when her house front gate was completely covered with red roses .
No one crosses the dragneels and this was a huge example of it those people who were badmouthing her in the morning
As soon as Natsu spoke they all started to apologise to her
And of course in the middle of the roses stood a huge bouquet of roses .
Made of diffrent roses each colour representing a different emotion in its own way .
As she got closer to it she realised a small greeting card was there .
She pulled it and began to read it
" My dear luce ,
I'm so sorry to get you into this mess but believe me it was never my intention i promise you on my breath that i will make Jenny pay for this .
And i know you trust me enough not tk be believe on Jenny but still i want to say the only woman i ever touched was Lina's mother
And the only woman I'm ever going to touch will be you Luce no one else are worth enough to capture my attention
You are my light .. My warmth ...My world
I won't ever let you go
Three words just those three words were enough to wipe out any kind of insecurity that resided in her heart
"Stupid atleast say it in front of me so that i can reply to you "
Lucy turned at the source of the voice as she watched Lina running towards her .
She opened her arms prepared to catch her as she jumped in air to hug her .
"I missed you mom"
Lucy let out a small chuckle as she watched the little ball of sunshine snuggle closer to her bossom
"I missed you too lina"
She went to her level as shekissed her forehead.
"Lucy "
"Wendy "
She watched as the blue haired girl walked closer to them .
"Lina don't run away like THAT "
"I'm sorry aunt wendy "
A little pout decorating that beautiful face
Wendy ruffled her hair as she turned ti speak to lucy
"How are you lucy san "
"I'm fine , how is Natsu did you talk with him?"
" no" she shook her head as she continued speaking " the entire s-class employees and big brother is busy with handling the hype created by Jenny , even father is mad at the Relight Corps he is busy with the legal formalities to call off the deal "
"Its all my fault "
Both Wendy and Lucy turned their head to look at Lina
"Mother did nothing wrong its all fault of that bad woman "
"Lina don't talk about your elders like that
"I know you are angry and i accept that but please don't let yourself caught up in it "
"Lucy san is right Lina you have to grow up to a smart and respectful woman "
Lucy let out a sigh as she watch Lina
As she continued to proove that Jenny was a witch
Yup that girl got her temper from her father
"Now Lina shall we go inside i got hot chocolate "
Lina ran past her already aware of every little thing of Heartfilia mansion
Wendy following after her screaming about not to run
One look at THE card and Lucy could only muster to say
"Take care Natsu,

I love you too "

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