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"No way! Are you serious?"

She nodded her head with excitement. "Yup! We're practically dating."

Frank squealed with excitement and hugged Bob in a tight grip. "I am so proud of you! So many girls would kill to be in your spot!"

The bell rang and Frank grabbed Bob's arm.

"Come on! We're late!"

They rushed through the halls and burst into the classroom. Frank raised her arms and yelled; " WE'RE HERE!". Bob covered her red face.

"Frank! Do not enter the classroom like that! It is rude and disrespectful. Go sit down." The teacher scolded.

"Sorry Miss" Frank mumbled. They silently walked to their desk and sat down. While the Teacher was talking, Bob was too busy daydreaming about Thomas. Then the teacher yelled. "Bob!" Bob froze.

"Do you know the answer?"

Bob looked around the room. " What was the question?" Bob asked. The other students laughed.

"The question was, what was the impact that the great depression had on America."

Bob blushed " Well um... The great depression did almost manage to completely destroy the US railway industry."

The teacher thought for a moment and slowly nodded her head. "Not the answer I was looking for, but interesting fact. Who's next?"

Bob sighed in relief. She tried to concentrate for the rest of the class but she couldn't stop thinking of Thomas. When  school ended, Bob walked out the classroom, but, she saw Thomas waiting for her by the school gate.

"Thomas! What are you doing here?"

"I came to pick you up. The discussion we had was so interesting I just had to continue it."

At that moment, Bob felt her heart burst with joy. She was probably the luckiest girl ever.  She hopped on Thomas and they started heading to a discreet location. When they arrived there, Bob found that there was no one there. It was just her and Thomas by the hillside over the glistening sea.

"Where are we?" Bob asked. "This isn't my house."

"I know." Thomas replied. "I just wanted to have a little conversation with you. After all, the trip to your house isn't long enough so I decided to have our talk here."

Bob was confused. They had only met for one day. What could Thomas possibly have going through his mind? Bob was impatient and decided to make a move.

"Listen, do you feel something between us?" She said, struggling to get her words across. Thomas looked surprised. There was silence for a few moments. Suddenly Thomas spoke;

"Well... how do I put this. You seem like a great person and all, but-" Bob didn't need him to finish his sentence. She already knew what was going to come out of his mouth. Something she was going to dread.

Train of ThoughtDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora