The stranger

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After the friend zone, Bob felt happy like never before. She had realized that Thomas was just a distraction and that she should focus on reality. Though sometimes, reality can be harsh. While on her way to school, she heard a peculiar sound. "Chunga Chunga Chunga Chunga" what was that? Bob thought. She peered into the mysterious rabbit hole when suddenly, a handsome and bulky rabbit figure emerges from the hole. "AH!" Bob screamed of fright.
"Oh sorry, my bad! Are you ok?" He stretches out his swollen buff arm. Bob had never seen anything like it. He pulls her up and suddenly Bobs face turns red. "Sorry for causing you harm. I'm on my way to the gym right now. Where are you headed to?" The rabbit asked.
"I'm walking to s-school."
"I can bring you there. What school do you go to?"
"Um, I don't think I should let you drop me off  to school. You're a stranger after all."
"Oh I'm not a stranger. I'm Big Chungus."
Bob couldn't believe it. THE Big Chungus? How could she not have known?
"Oh my Gosh, really!?"
"Yep. Now do you wanna ride or not?"
Bob accepted and went down the tunnel.
After school, Bob tried to recollect herself. How is it possible that I met Thomas the Tank-engine AND Big Chungus all in the same week? Somethings not right. Her train of thought was interrupted by a ruckus around the corner. When she went to look, she was surprised to see Kylie Jenner pummeled to the ground by an egg. "What happened?" Bob asked a nearby onlooker. "Well, Kylie Jenner was walking around with her new air pods saying stuff like it smells like broke in here and she bumped into an egg. The egg said Oi, you gonna apologize or not? But Kylie Jenner couldn't hear him so he tackled her to the ground"
"Zionks. And for what, bumping into someone?"
Before the egg could beat Kylie unconscious, Big Chungus appeared from the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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