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Tears welled up Bob's eyes, however, she held it back, hoping Thomas wouldn't notice.
"I just see you as a friend."
Bob was right. How can someone as perfect as him fall for an average girl? Then again, they had barely known each other, so maybe she still has a chance of winning him over. Who knows? She had longed for another chance to ride on his train carts, but she felt as if the chance she had before has now been tarnished due to this interaction. After a long silence, Thomas finally speaks;
"Do you want to go back home?"
Bob stammered before saying yes. She didn't know why, but she still had butterflies even though she knew Thomas didn't return her feelings.

When Bob arrived home, she ran up to her room and immediately burst to tears. Her cries were silent but you can tell by the way she's moved that she is hurting. She trembled in a puddle of tears crouched in a ball. After a few minutes of crying, she decides to turn the TV on to calm down. When she saw Thomas on screen, she smiled, but not like she used to. Instead, it's more like a half-hearted smile. At the end of the episode, Thomas is shown on screen saying to always look on the bright side. This got Bob to smile. Maybe he's right. Maybe it is best to stay as friends with her idol. Not every girl gets to ride on THE Thomas the tank engine. After all, she is just a young teenager developing. She probably isn't mature enough to be dating. So Bob sets up a plan. Her plan is to accept being friends with Thomas, and maybe, just maybe, they could become even more.

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