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Skinner was sitting in the dining hall the next morning having breakfast by himself when Mulder walked up to him. "Good morning, mind if I sit down." 

"Take a seat Mulder. Coffee?" Skinner smiled contently. 

"I would like to have some coffee yes." 

Skinner poured some coffee from the small flask on the table into Mulder's cup. "Here you go." 

Mulder scrutinized Skinner as he continued eating his breakfast. "You're awfully chirpy this morning for someone who's not a morning person." 

"I just had a good night's sleep." 

"Or a good night's nookie. You might want to tone it down the next round," Mulder replied smiling. Skinner threw his gaze to the plate in front of them, feeling embarrassed and out of his comfort zone. "I thought she was off limits."

"Yes, well...I'm a man, I have needs too."

Mulder took a sip of his coffee. "And?"

"I prefer if none of this gets out. You didn't hear anything." 

"Well then you better tell that to Scully too." Skinner looked up at Scully who approached their table, dressed in navy blue pants and a white shirt. 

"Good morning sir. Good morning Mulder." 

"Have a seat agent Scully," Skinner demanded. 

Scully pulled out a chair and sat down. There was an uncomfortable silence at the table. "So where's agent McLean?" 

"She'll be down soon." 

"Was she in your room last night?" Scully asked snooping. 

"Why do I sense a hint of jealousy?" Mulder replied. 

"I'm not jealous Mulder," Scully replied back. She knew she was lying. Julie was posing a little threat to her. She was young, blonde, tall and unnaturally beautiful. Even compared to the red-headed Scully who was already a beautiful woman in her own right. "Well, maybe a little." 

Skinner got up without hesitation and left the table. Moments later Julie approached their table dressed in a mini skirt, stilettos and a silk top. "Morning." 

She sat down and looked up at Mulder and Scully's slightly judgmental looks

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She sat down and looked up at Mulder and Scully's slightly judgmental looks. 

"Last night, you just broke the number one rule in Skinner's book." 

She looked at Mulder confused. "That is?" 

"You never sleep with the AD. It's the death sentence to your career." 

"Where is he?" she asked worried. 

"He just left." 

Julie got up and went outside to find Skinner sitting on a bench brooding. "Walter..."

THE X-FILES - THE AD'S NEW LADY #12 in X-FilesWhere stories live. Discover now