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It was finally the night of the Miss USA pageant. On the stage the two presenters, Dua Lipa and George Clooney introduced the opening act. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Taylor Swift! Skinner, Mulder and Scully were all sitting in the VIP front row and watched the opening ceremony with the girls modelling and dancing on the stage. 

After the opening ceremony the girls headed backstage again and Julie changed into her evening gown, a glittering red dress with a slit up mid-thigh. Soon all the contestants entered the stage one by one as their titles got read out. Then the moment the top ten contestants got called out. Miss Arizona's name got called out first, followed by Miss Florida and when there was only one contestant left the presenters paused for a moment. Skinner's nerves began getting the better of him and he clenched his fists, his palms getting sweaty. "Our last contestant going into the top ten for this year's Miss USA is...Miss...District of Columbia." Julie walked over to the front of the stage to join the other contestants. 

Followed by that was the evening gown competition and that was followed by the announcement of the Miss USA top five contestants. Again Miss Arizona's name was called out first, followed by Miss California and Julie's name called out last. Mulder gave the nervous Skinner a tap on his arm. "At least she made it to the top five. Relax. If she doesn't win it's no big deal." 

"Easy for you to say Mulder." 

"Unless she slept with the AD to get to the top three and you couldn't cut it." 

Skinner ogled Mulder and pulled a grumpy face. "It's a forbidden topic Mulder." 

"You sleeping with her or me mentioning you sleeping with her?"

Skinner left a disapproving grunt and shifted in his chair uncomfortably. "Mulder..."

After the top five contestants were called out, they were interviewed. Miss Arizona mentioned something about improving nuclear arms deals for the United States and improving their military strength. Then came Julie's turn. The presenter asked the question. "Miss District of Columbia, if you are to become Miss USA, what would you do?"

"I would promote our law enforcement and launch a campaign against illegal trade in the United States. This not only includes drug trafficking and human trafficking. This also goes for illicit nuclear arms deals or anything for that matter that posses a threat to the national security of the United States of America." 

Skinner made a face-palm and shook his head. "She did not just say that." 

Julie continued. "As an FBI agent, I see that as part of my duty to promote the safety and security of all national citizens." 

- X - 

Soon the girls were called on stage again for the final look and then the moment of truth arrived. Julie was wired with her gun strapped onto her leg underneath her dress along with her badge. "Requesting all our agents to move in. Copy." Skinner, Mulder, Scully and a group of other agents also moved in closer to the stage. 

"Ladies and gentleman, the moment we have all been waiting for. The crowning of the new Miss USA. Our second runner-up is...Miss California." She stepped forward to receive her sash and tiara and a small bouquet of flowers. "Ladies and gentlemen, the moment of truth. If for any reason Miss USA cannot fulfill her duties as Miss USA, the first runner-up would automatically take the title of Miss USA. Without further ado. 

Our first runner-up is Miss District of Columbia, Miss USA is Miss Arizona!" 

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Our first runner-up is Miss District of Columbia, Miss USA is Miss Arizona!" 

Julie didn't hesitate and pulled out her gun and badge in full view of the crowd. The audience gasped. "FBI! Miss Arizona, you're under arrest for the illicit trade of nuclear weapons with North Korea." Instead of waving to the crowd she dropped the bouquet of flowers she was holding to the ground, stunned. 

Outside a line of FBI cars pulled up to the hotel and Miss Arizona got escorted outside with her hands cuffed behind her back. "You'll pay for this Miss DC! You will pay for this." 

"Is that a threat Gemma Harper?" It was Skinner. 

"Take it anyway you want it old man." 

Skinner stepped in in front of her and held his face in front of her looking into her eyes in an intimidating manner. "If you threaten my agent or attempt to threaten my agent one more time, I'm going to have no choice but to have your prison time extended. Is that clear?"

"Whatever old man." 

- X -

At the press conference for Miss USA the following day all the contestants came together. Skinner, Mulder, Scully and Julie sat at their own table as they watched Barbara Sanders deliver her speech. "You all know what happened last night and that Miss Arizona can unfortunately no longer fulfill her duties as Miss USA as of today. Miss D.C. was suspended during the pageant and her first runner-up could not attend the competition due to unforeseen circumstances. However, although  because she has the interest of her country and her fellow American citizens at heart and because she is a role model to other women out there to fight for their country and the right of our citizens we decided to honor that and hand over the title of Miss USA to no-one else but...Miss District of Columbia." 

Julie looked at her colleagues surprised and walked over to the microphone stand to receive her sash and crown. "Congratulations Skinner, you're now dating Miss USA." 

"Quiet Mulder..." 

Julie turned to face the room after Barbara crowned her and put her sash over her head. She snickered. "I guess now that I'm officially the new Miss USA, I should quit the FBI and become a full time beauty queen." She noticed as Skinner's face dropped and laughed. "I'm only joking." She paused figuring out to say. "I've never been a girl for beauty pageants, because I always thought it was just about beauty and glamour, but I was wrong. I realized this past week that many of these girls are smart and ambitious. They don't follow ordinary career paths. They are professionals with a cause they stand for. They are here because they want to make a difference in society. So do I. And I want to thank a few people, because if it was not for them, this would not have been possible. "Special agents Dana Scully and Fox Mulder, and Assistant Director Walter Skinner. I could have worked on other cases, but I was sent here to fight for something in the interest for this country." 

- X -

At the bureau Mulder stepped into Skinner's office and closed the door behind him. He sat down and cleared his throat. "Where's agent McLean?" 

"She's out with Scully." 

"What about me?" Skinner looked up at Mulder who now looked at him curiously from the laptop in front of him. "What are you looking for?" 

"Tell me, what are the rules and regulations of Miss USA if a contestant wants to get engaged." 

"Are you telling me what I'm thinking?" It was then that Mulder noticed the ring box next to the laptop. "Is that what I think it is?" 

Mulder grabbed the box before Skinner could stop him. 

"Give that back Mulder!" 

Mulder opened the box to reveal a brilliantly beautiful engagement ring. "This is like twenty carats. She's definitely going to say yes to this," Mulder said with a smile. 

One year later...


THE X-FILES - THE AD'S NEW LADY #12 in X-FilesWhere stories live. Discover now