Girls Names - "A"

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Aaliyah/Aliya: Means "heavens, highborn, exalted" in Arabic.

Ada: Means "noble, nobility" in German. It was a favorite at the end of the nineteenth century that has started to come back in the last few years. Some may seek it out as an alternative to the ever-popular Ava.

Amal: Means "hope; inspiration" in Arabic.

Allie: Nickname of Alfreda, Alice, Alison, Allegra, Allison, Alva, and Alvina

Anya: Means "resurrection; He (God) has favored me". It is a variant of Anastasia (which means "resurrection" in Greek) and Ann (which means "God has favored me" in Hebrew).

Anastasia: Means "resurrection" in Greek.

Athena: Means "wise" in Greek. In Greek Mythology it is the name of the daughter of Zeus who was the goddess of wisdom, warfare, handicrafts, mathematics, and courage (and that's just a partial listing), and the great patroness-goddess of the city of Athens. Athena is a distinctive name that could appeal to enlightened parents who particularly prize intelligence

Anitta: It is the Spanish diminutive of Hannah (which means "grace" in Hebrew).

Aretha: Means "excellence; righteous" in Greek.

April: Means "to open" in Latin.

Antoinette: It is the french feminine diminutive of Antoine (which is a variant of Anthony, that means  "priceless one" in Latin). Also a diminutive of Ann (which means "God has favored me" in Hebrew).

Anouk: Means  "grace". It is the Dutch and French variation of Hannah (which means  "grace" in Hebrew).

Ava: Means "life" in Latin.

Aria: Means "air; song or melody" in Italian.

Anna/Ana: Variation of Hannah (which means "grace" in Hebrew).

Avery: Means  "ruler of the elves" in English.

Alexandra(Alessandra and Alejandra are attractive, more exotic variations): Means "defending men" in Greek.

Aja: Means "goat" in Hindi.

Alma: Means "nurturing, soul" in Latin.

Amelia: Means "work" in German.

Asia: Means "sunrise" in Greek.

Amara: Means "grace or bitter" in Latin or Igbo.

Alara: Means "ruler of all" in German. It's the name of a water fairy in Turkish mythology who appears as a beautiful girl with butterfly-like wings that are made of light but sprinkle water as her wings flutter. She must abide near water to maintain her youth and beauty. She has the power to remove hate and greed from peoples' hearts thus making them capable of love. Those who seek help must travel to a lake where she was last seen and tie a colorful ribbon on the branch of a blooming lakeside tree. If the ribbon was cut from a handkerchief last used to wipe off the tears of a heartbroken person, the wish becomes more likely to come true. Wishes must be made under a cloudless night sky shortly before dawn.

Anja: Means "He (God) has favored me". It is a variant of Anna (which means "God has favored me" in Hebrew).

Annabella: Means "loving" in it's the Spanish variation of Annabel.

Aurora: Means "dawn" in Latin. Name of the Greek / Roman goddess of sunrise whose tears turned into the morning dew, and of (Disney's) Sleeping Beauty. Also associated with the scientific term for the Northern Lights.

Acacia: Means "thorny" in Greek. Named after the Acacia tree, that it is known for its fine wood and medicinal properties.

Aisha: Means "living, prosperous" in Swahili or Arabic.

Alaska: Means "great land" in Native American.

Agatha: Means "good woman" in Greek.

America: Means  "work-power; home leader" in Old German. Feminine of Amerigo.

Africa (Affrika as a more exotic variation):  Means "pleasant" in Celtic.

Agnes: Means "pure, virginal" in Greek.

Aida: Means "happy" in Arabic.

Aalia: Means "to ascend" in Hebrew

Aiko: Means "beloved child" in Japanese.

Aimee: Means "beloved" in French.

Alana: Means "little rock, or harmony, concord" in Irish.

Alala: Means  "war goddess" in Greek. In Greek mythology, Alala was the personified spirit of the war-cry and the daughter of Polemos(God who is the personification of war) and Hybris(Goddess of aggression). Alala accompanied Ares(God of war and battle)and her name was his battle-cry.

Aleah: Means "high, exalted; God's being" in Arabic or Persian.

Alda: Means "old, prosperous" in German.

Alice: Means "noble" in German.

Alexis: Means "defender" in Greek.

Alisson: Means "noble" in Scottish.

Alicia/Alissa: Means "noble" in Spanish.

Alba: Means  "white" in Latin.

Amelia: Means "work" in German.

Ambelin: Variant of Amber in Australian Aboriginal.

Amber: Is a feminine given name taken from, the fossilized tree resin that is often used in the making of jewelry.

Autumn: is a feminine given name derived from the word autumnus, meaning "fall" or "autumn".

Ama: Means "born on a Saturday" in African.

Antonietta: Means  "priceless one"  in French.

Aurelia: Means "the golden one" in Latin.

Antonia: Means "priceless one" in Latin.

Audrey: Means "noble strength" in Old English.

Astrid: Means  "divinely beautiful" in Old Norse.

Astra: Means "of the stars" in Latin.

Andromeda: Means "advising like a man" in Greek.

Addison: Means "son of Adam" in Old English.

Aura: Means "soft breeze" in Greek.

Asteria: Means  "star" in Greek. It's an Anglicized spelling of the Greek Astraea or Astraia,   the goddess of justice and innocence.

Analu: Means "manly" in Hawaiian.

Azul: Means "blue" in Spanish.

Antonina: Means "priceless one". It is the Spanish diminutive of Antonia (which means "priceless one" in Latin).

Apolline: Means "gift from Apollo" in French.

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