Girls Names - "W", "X", "Y" and "Z"

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                                                    Girls Names which starts with "W"

Willa: It is the feminine variation of William (which means  "resolute protection" in English from German).

Wilda: Means  "to strive" in German.

Winter: Word name.

Wisdom: Virtue name.

Willow: Means  "willow tree" in English.

Winona: Means in  "firstborn daughter" Sioux Indian.

                                                     Girls Names which starts with "X"

Xia: Chinese dynastic name. 

                                                    Girls Names which starts with "Y"

Yara: Means  "small butterfly" in Arabic or Brazilian Portuguese.

Yulia: It is the Russian variation of Julia (which means "youthful" in Latin).

Yasmine: It is the Arabic variation of Jasmine (which means Persian flower name).

Yuki: Means  "snow" in Japanese.

                                                     Girls Names which starts with "Z"

Zoe: Means "life" in Greek.

Zara: Means "princess; to blossom" in Hebrew and Arabic.

Zendaya: Means "to give thanks" in Shona.

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