Chapter 1- Midnight Madness (RW)

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Chapter 1-

*Kiel’s POV*
I think that people are very interesting. In the sense that they’re hard to understand. I’d like to think that I have a good grasp of the concept I hope to explain. The concept of fading. As someone who’s happiness, self-worth, purpose and just pure life has faded… I have more experience than most. I set down my pencil, so much for working on my paper. I decide to sink further into my covers staring up at the ceiling’s strange pattern. They twist and turn before finally ending. Maybe this is what happens when your soul dies before your body? Do souls even exist? Mom used to believe in the moon goddess if I remember properly… then again it’s been ages since we’ve had a decent conversation- for all I know she could be an atheist or catholic. 

I let out a sigh and shift to get more comfortable. I know that I’m tired… my eyes sting but every time I close them, my mind just keeps turning. A loud bang downstairs grabs my attention, I sit up and look at my door. My eyes squinting in the dark as I listen to the heavy footsteps of my stepfather. The door swings open roughly and I jump to cover my eyes to the light. “Up now. Somebody has kidnapped the Luna. The alpha has ordered that everyone get out and search.”

“Uh? oh no.” I whisper quietly while he grabs my arm and jerks me up.

“Come on mutt get your feet moving let’s go. I got a fucking headache already don’t make it worse.” He pushes me forward and slams my door shut. I turn back, my body is not used to moving again just yet. “Now Kiel!” He yells. I jump and rush down the stairs. The carpet was rough against my bare feet as I hurried away. This was one of the few days he wasn’t drunk- if I manage to get hit even now then that just confirms my stupidity. My step father had been a drunk for as long as I knew him, Mom used to tell me that it’s because he needed a way to cope. Looking back now, alcohol isn’t the best coping method. Then again we was trying to cope with something terrible… you can’t really blame him.

As I made it outside I realized how terrified everyone was. Parents were hugging their children and hurrying to the packhouse. Others were making groups and searching forests and houses. It was beginning to finally set in along with the cold fall air. I shiver and hold my arms against my shirt. Who would want to kidnap our Luna? She was the sweetest kindest wolf in the pack- or so I’ve heard. Everyone was getting farther and farther away. They were probably speaking through the mind think… I look around confused. My stepfather was long gone by now, not sure where he went, the apha probably ordered all guards to move around the perimeter. We aren’t too far from one. I wish someone would tell me what to do… where am I supposed to go? Do I meet up with another group? Guidance? Anyone?... please…

Two people were now all that remained on our road. I could recognize them as two of my classmates… but that was as much as I knew… I couldn’t bring myself to talk to them.

I look back at our house lit dimly by the streetlights. It was a simple 2 story blue home with the bedrooms upstairs and a small 2 car garage attached to the left side. The house really had gotten more and more run down over the years. The window in the living room had cracked last Christmas when kids outside had a snowball fight and we still hadn’t replaced it. Just slapped up some duct tape and called it done. It was quiet… my feet were beginning to feel like ice cubes. 

A quiet noise made me jump and look towards the forest. I could have sworn I heard someone talk. I slowly walk forward. Anxiously pulling my long sleeve shirt down over my old pajama pants. It clung close to my small frame… I froze. What if… I suck in a deep breath, for once could you just be brave? I chide myself. I reluctantly took the courage to continue. I look around the woods only a few feet away now. Walking as quietly as I can I soon enter the forest and start going to a tree while I look around. It takes a second for my eyes to adjust before I can make out the scary silhouettes of trees. I hear hushed whispers.

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