Chapter 3- Part of Kiel's Damage (RW)

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*Kiel's POV*

I couldn't count the days I spent with them. I know we had been walking for since early morning and now it was near dark. So we walked for about a day, plus however long we spent in that cabin... We were going to meet with their boss, since my pack had been receiving a lot more reinforcements than they expected. Or liked I guess, Fayte kept talking about how it would be stupid for them to not send for reinforcements. I guess I don't need to correct myself though, in my head, nobody is listening. I'm so weird talking to myself inside my own head, duh, nobody else can hear me. Can't I even be somewhat normal, wait what's she doing? I flinch backwards and pull my face to the side. The doctor lady had something and was trying to touch me... why is she even here? I suck in a breath watching her hand closely. She didn't speak and waited for me to respond. I shift so I'm facing her more, and look down at the blanket.

"You have to at least let me clean off your face." She says lowering her eyes. "You've got dirt everywhere hon'." She holds up the rag and squeezes it.

"I can do it myself." I bite my lip and look to the right. The two guys from earlier were sitting on stools in the kitchen watching. My eyes meet with a pair of deep blue ones, a shiver runs down my body. His name was what. Dustin. The other one, with orange hair, that was Connor I think.

She thinks for a moment. "As a doctor it's important that you let me treat your wounds, this includes cleaning around them, and you've got a pretty bad busted lip." I release my bite from my bottom lip, tasting the blood enter my mouth once more. I need to stop biting it... She gently touches the rag to my face and I try my best to not flinch. I hate people touching me. I hate touching. I hate myself. I squint until my eyes are shut tight and hug myself in the blanket. It's not my place to tell her what to do... but I really don't want to be touched, Not after everything that's happened. I've had this blanket since they first threw me in that cabin room... It's become much like a security blanket. Great, I'm just like a baby! Almost 17, and I need a security blanket.

"So, Dustin was telling me about what happened with the rogues. Were they your friends?" She asks gently washing the rag once more. I look away in distaste.

I sigh, but it turns into a cough. I turn my head and try to stop. She gently rubs my back and I shy away from her touch, squinting in pain before meeting her eyes. "I have no friends." I state curtly.

"No friends?" She echos. "Are you sure, because everyone has friends. What about your wolf, I bet he's your friend." I can't help the sarcastic laugh that passes my mouth. I don't say anything though, I just look down sadly. Why did she have to bring that up? As if I needed another reminder to how weak I am. She decides to ask another question. "What happened to your family."

Like a knife that one stabs through my heart, I cover up my ears. All I could think of is their disgusted voices. Asking about her... about the day I was too young to remember. I shake my head no. What else could I do. I can't speak, my throat closes up and I try to focus on breathing, or the throbbing on my foot, arm, any other part of me searing in pain. I can hear her sigh and take a deep breath. Tears stung my eyes... Pheobe didn't deserve that.

"Okay, clearly those were bad questions. How about something you wanna talk about? What kind of clothes do you like? I could make Dustin and Connor get you a change of clothes." She says. Clothes why would they get me clothes?

"I-I thought I was a prisoner?" I ask back confused.

"What?" She asks a stunned look. "Because you're a rogue? Of course not, Dustin would never-"

"So I'm not a prisoner... I can go home." I whisper, the air got cold. Do I even want to go home? What's waiting there for me? For the first time in my life there seemed to be a way out...

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